
On a semi-related note:

I'm going to be releasing a port of the original ASCII version of nethack 3.4.3
for the GP2X sometime soon. I ported it from scratch, using a customized
version of sterm to handle user input.
That's great. I haven't tried it but it will be nice to have this so people who prefer a more traditional interface can get a version that they like.
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kardasan posted on May 13 2006 at 01:56 AM said:
I'm not sure if it was mentioned before (I haven't got much sleep and now I can see only Courier 20). I've noticed, that game hangs up when I select a menu that overlaps the screen game hangs up. I'm using firmware 2.0, Kingston 512Mb MMC, 2x 2500mAh Energizer acus. Any ideas?
I found where this occurs the other day; I'll make sure it gets fixed.

Expect 0.3 this weekend sometime.
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I checked to see if it was working already and it already is!

Great Job! The textfile included is very helpfull. Help in nethack does not work for me :blink:

There is one thing which I would like to see working a bit different if possible.

I've been playing nethack a couple of years already and one of the things I like the most is the descriptions for the different items used when using the slash key.

If you now go to far look (Left shoulderbutton - X) you get the description "a scroll" for example.

When you use the option / (slash) in nethack you get the description "a scroll --- more ----"
After pressing a key you'll get the message "more info [Y/N] (n)?" and if you select yes you get the following extra info for the item "scroll"

And I was gazing on the surges prone,
With many a scalding tear and many a groan,
When at my feet emerg'd an old man's hand,
Grasping this scroll, and this same slender wand.
I knelt with pain--reached out my hand--had grasp'd
Those treasures--touch'd the knuckles--they unclasp'd--
I caught a finger: but the downward weight
O'erpowered me--it sank. Then 'gan abate
The storm, and through chill aguish gloom outburst
The comfortable sun. I was athirst
To search the book, and in the warming air
Parted its dripping leaves with eager care.
Strange matters did it treat of, and drew on
My soul page after page, till well-nigh won
Into forgetfulness; when, stupefied,
I read these words, and read again, and tried
My eyes against the heavens, and read again.
[ Endymion, by John Keats ]

For me those descriptive texts are what makes nethack the best game of all time!

Thanks for the good job DZZ, my commute is going a lot faster thanks to your work :D !

I've been playing nethack a couple of years already and one of the things I like the most is the descriptions for the different items used when using the slash key.
Thanks for the suggestion! This definitely needs to be integrated into the game, I'll consider the best way to do so.

There's a new thread in the General section about Nethack 0.3, sorry I didn't announce that in this one.
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I've been playing nethack a couple of years already and one of the things I like the most is the descriptions for the different items used when using the slash key.
Ok, in 0.4 if you hold down the shift (L) while picking the object to be identified, you'll get the "extended information" popup.
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Ok, in 0.4 if you hold down the shift (L) while picking the object to be identified, you'll get the "extended information" popup.

I did not expect a response like this so soon!

This is really much appreciated! :D


This project (and seeing the drool worthy "graphical" letter tileset earlier) makes me want a GP2X more an more. The first 8 years of my computer and videogame "life" were consumed by an early version of nethack... the prospect of being able to take it (and videos, and emu games, and music) with me wherever seems like a dream.

... now someone just needs to make ADOM and Omega for the GP2X and it'll be a necessity ;)
... now someone just needs to make ADOM and Omega for the GP2X and it'll be a necessity ;)
As ADOM for GP2X is impossible without the sources, you might try to consider avanor:
Avanor is heavily inspired by ADOM and has a similar user interface. Don't know whether it is a good point or not, avanor is also *much* shorter and easier to win, probably it is a good beginners roguelike :)
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I hadn't thought about the interface, and now that I've looked into it, the current DOSBox interface would be pretty awful for a roguelike, so at this point I guess I am just asking out of curiosity. However, once the BOB comes out, and if someone sets up DOSBox to work with keyboards, I think the controls would be tolerable, as long as ADOM's controls aren't too different from those of most Roguelikes.