Neocd2x New Version Plays Background Mp3's?

Double posted so I'll put the changelog up to cover it.

Chagelog as listed on

EmuGP2X (NesGP2X & SnesGP2X & NeoCDGP2X)

Last Update : 2005.12.02(KST, GMT +09:00)

1. Change Log

- 2005.12.02
fixed exit bug in NeoCDGP2X.
modified button mapping in NeoCDGP2X.

- 2005.12.01
added new renderer in NeoCDGP2X.(new is Type 1, old is Type 2 in File explorer select)
added mp3 bgm play in NeoCDGP2X(experimental).
modified button mapping in NeoCDGP2X.

- 2005.11.30
compatibility incressed in NeoCDGP2X.

- 2005.11.27
added NeoCDGP2X.

- 2005.11.23
modifed button mapping in NesGP2X.

2. Control

- File explorer
←, X : Previous Folder
→, B, Push : Run(Type 1), Open Folder
A : Run(Type 2), Open Folder(for NeoCDGP2X)
Start : Exit
L, R : Change skin

- Common
Push + R : Exit(Return to file explorer)
Vol +/- : Sound Volume

- NesGP2X
Stick, Start, Select : Game Control
A, X : A
B, Y : B
R + Start : Reset
R + Vol +/- : Adjust Frame Skip

- SnesGP2X
Stick, Start, Select, A, B, X, Y, L, R : Game Control
Push + Start : Reset
Push + Select : Show/Hide FPS(Toggle)

Stick, Start, Select : Game Control
A : A
Y : B
X : C
B : D
L : A+B+C
R : B+C+D

3. Reference

- 정상적으로 실행되지 않고 검은 화면에서 다운되는 현상이 발생할 경우 동봉된 install_libs.gpu 파일을 유틸리티 메뉴에서 실행하시기 바랍니다.
- 롬파일의 경우 실행파일(*.gpe)이 있는 폴더 밑에 있는 roms 폴더를 우선 검색합니다.
- 스킨의 경우 skin0 ~ skin9 까지 확장이 가능합니다.
- 기본 스킨의 경우 snes 기준으로 제작되어 있습니다. nes 에뮬레이터 실행시에도 스킨은 snes 화면이 뜨게 됩니다.
- 같은 스킨을 두 기종에서 쓰실 경우 filer.png 파일을 filer_nes.png, filer_snes.png 두개의 파일을 기종별로 수정하여 넣으시면 됩니다.
- SnesGP2X, NeoCDGP2X 에서는 zip 으로 압축한 롬파일을 지원하나 NesGP2X 에서는 아직 압축 롬파일을 지원하지 않습니다.
- NeoCDGP2X 에서는 아직 사운드를 지원하지 않습니다.
- NeoCDGP2X 의 파일 선택기 실행 버튼에 따라 렌더링 방식이 선택됩니다. 기존 방식은 옵션 2 입니다.

4. To Do
- zip file support.(NesGP2X)
- apply OpenSnes9x asm core.(SnesGP2X)
- sound support.(NeoCDGP2X)
- stretch fill screen support.(All)
- save state support.(All)

5. Source

- NesGP2X from InfoNES, Little John PalmOS, Nofrendo
InfoNES :
Little John PalmOS :
Nofrendo :

- SnesGP2X from snes9x, OpenSnes9x, Little John PalmOS
snes9x :
OpenSnes9x :
Little John PalmOS :

- NeoCDGP2X from NeoCD/SDL, NeoCD/PSP

6. Made by

- Emulator

- Skin #0

- Skin #1
새 버전이 나왔네요... 부지런한 NK님.... 힘내세요~
formit's right... just rename the mp3's to Metal Slug 02, Metal Slug 03 etc and it works just fine.... Im getting a bit of weird interferance, like background static, but I have to say that playing metal slug to prodigy - breathe is highly recommended

edit - sorry bout that, a wee bit hasty posting... this is what ive found
(tested for metal slug 1 only)
-name the songs that you want to play in the menu Metal Slug 02 or 03
-songs ingame must be Metal Slug 04 and higher
-the victory song at the end of level 1 will be metal slug 06

So unfortunately, i think that you have to have a song for every level, and cant just recycle them... (im a space saving miser)
NeoStuey posted on Dec 2 2005 at 02:56 PM said:
Ninjia^ posted on Dec 2 2005 at 02:49 PM said:
Ok I found the problem, you cant just stick any mp3s in the neocd.mp3 folder they have to be the game mp3s that come on the CD.

I was sticking Black Sabbath albumns in there  :rolleyes:

HeHeHe :D

Saved me doing the same thing. :rolleyes:

I'm making a skin right now so no time for experimentation. It would be fun if you could have your own mp3's playing, have you tried renaming your black sabbath tracks to those of the game you are playing, that might work. :)

fomit posted on Dec 2 2005 at 03:11 PM said:
Ninjia^ posted on Dec 2 2005 at 11:49 PM said:
Ok I found the problem, you cant just stick any mp3s in the neocd.mp3 folder they have to be the game mp3s that come on the CD.

I was sticking Black Sabbath albumns in there  :rolleyes:

Just rename the .mp3 files with the same names as the game music files and I'm sure it would play them instead. You may have to have the correct number of files though. Then again the NeoGeoCD could check the size of the files and I would be completely wrong.

Leon3D posted on Dec 3 2005 at 02:03 AM said:
formit's right... just rename the mp3's to Metal Slug 02, Metal Slug 03 etc and it works just fine.... Im getting a bit of weird interferance, like background static, but I have to say that playing metal slug to prodigy - breathe is highly recommended

edit - sorry bout that, a wee bit hasty posting... this is what ive found
(tested for metal slug 1 only)
-name the songs that you want to play in the menu Metal Slug 02 or 03
-songs ingame must be Metal Slug 04 and higher
-the victory song at the end of level 1 will be metal slug 06

So unfortunately, i think that you have to have a song for every level, and cant just recycle them... (im a space saving miser)

And his name is fomit and as you can see he and I both had the same idea and I was just a little bit quicker posting. ;)

Thanks for posting your findings showing that custom mp3's work, a nice option to give users the choice of ingame BGM.

And as I didn't have time for any play testing yesterday, thanks again. :)
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fomit posted on Dec 3 2005 at 03:24 PM said:
Sorry NeoStuey. I need to read the forums properly before I post. At least he typoed on my nick before giving me credit.

Hey fomit,

Don't apologise, our posts were within 15 minutes of each other and our idea was the same and I'm more than happy to share any credit for the post.:D

I was just feeling a little left out. :P
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I thought I'd add a couple of screenshots to make the directory structure even clearer...

I don't think it matters what the MP3 files are called, as long as they follow in sequence (e.g. Badger's Arse 01.mp3, Badger's Arse 02.mp3, Badger's Arse 03.mp3 etc etc). When I had all the MP3s in one directory, Neo Turf Masters would play the background music from Aero Fighters 2.


EDIT: Typo on "Badger's Arse 03.mp3"... :D