Neo Pocket Released !

Betty 2001

Mar 1, 2003
Just checked out another GP32 and it seems ThunderZ has finally released his Neo Geo Pocket Emulater.

Am I allowed to say which site I saw it ? (after last weeks uproar I'm becoming paranoid :blink: )
Just wanted to write the same message ;)
Damn, too slow :)

It can be found on
It's an alpha release without any sound and some graphical glitches, but it should work.
(The sound has been programmed but still is buggy and therefore not enabled in the alpha version)

The author released it because he's going on holidays (hope he enjoys :)

It doesnt't say anything about speed, but I'm going to try it tonight :)
Betty 2001 posted on Aug 4 2003 said:
Am I allowed to say which site I saw it ? (after last weeks uproar I'm becoming paranoid :blink: )
What uproar was this?
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Check out PAGE 4 "Emulaters on a Korean Site".

(In a nutshell ..... A newbie found a pre-release version of Neo Pocket and innocently talked about it on this site, ThunserZ (the auther of Neo pocket) found this and became VERY angry and started calling the newbie, this then opened the debate on whose fault it was.... the newbie (who really didn't know) or the person who leaked the Emu.).

This is the biggie, ive waited soooo long for a NGP emulator, i cant charge my batteries fast enough?

Preliminary reports? Good?

Just tested it with MoM and KoF2 for about five minuites, the things phenomenal!!! Unbelievable speed, VERY nice GUI, no sound granted, graphics looked good to me and i see no glitches.

MoM is a 4meg file, had NO trouble handling it, ThunderZ, congratulations on a job VERY well done. hope you have the best time on holiday!
FANTASTIC ive just tested metal slug 2 and it was amazing full screen great speed :o with only slight slowdown this emu could be one of the best when save are implemented and sound :D thanks alot thunder z keep up the good work ;)
Only rom i can find while rummaging through my stuff is Puzzle Bobble and that loads the game up ok can play the game for about 10 secs and then all the sprites dissapear but emu looks very promising :) Damn the neogeo screen looks small on the gp32's screen ;)

could be an emu to watch ;)
Just tried Sonic Pocket Adventure and Metal Slug 1/2 all 2 ran fine. Although in Metal Slug sometimes you can't see the grenades when you throw them.
Software controlled clockspeed. Default is 133mhz, you can go then to 156 or 166. I did try full scrreen at 156 for a minute but i dont wanna ruin my GP
:D Thanks all of you !!!

Actully gfx bug are du to the new gfx engine (why the olf one all game perfect but more slow).
I hope i'll finish it that will correct all the gfx bug and increase a little more the speed ;)
I must say even without sound Metal Slug is really fun. I'm playign it right now. thanks thunderz
I have one question, I see that save/load state are disabled but do actual in gamesaves still work or no?
Actually sorry save and load state and the sram save a disbled because i want to finish emulation core to have stable save. :)