Neo Geo Pocket?


Feb 10, 2003
I wonder what ever happened to the Neo Geo Pocket emulator? I think it has been "almost ready" for a while.

Is there a good site with rom files for it?
I heard from Thunder_z a while ago and whilst it looks sweet, from what I could gather its not really in a position to be released yet - there's quite a bit to be done on it. But the "a while ago" was certainly recent enough to assume work's still going on to get it there.

Someone correct me if I'm wildly out.
Just for correct ThunderZ is the correct nick. :D

For the emu, i've finish to correct CPU and emulation that make some game don't run or crash the GP32.
Game with gfx problems are ok too.

I'm now working for optimising the emu because is to slow to be release yet :unsure:
I try to do my best on it. :P
wow welcome to the board thunderz, I have seen screenshots of your emulator on a few other gp32 news sites and it looks nice so far. I know you have been working on this thing for awhile and its always great to hear news about the progress of an emulator. I must say this is onethat I am looking forward to, I am a huge fan of the neo-geo and it would be great to see on the gp.
Yes, thank you for the news ThunderZ - we will all try to be patient! I'm loving the idea of some version of Metal Slug on my GP32 :)
Go go ThunderZ!!!

I still love my NGPC, I have 6 games for it. The thought of being able to play these games on my GP32 FLU (which is on the way to me) is just amazing.

I wish much luck with your NGPC emulator. I pray someday it can be full speed with sound and savestates. :) But no pressure - I just appreciate that you're trying to make the emu!