S Supervegeta Still Fresh Joined Feb 4, 2005 Messages 2 Mar 5, 2005 #1 I was wondering whether the GP32 BLU+ can emulate Neo geo pocket emulators as it was one of my fav consoles. I just need the program and etc... can any1 help me out
I was wondering whether the GP32 BLU+ can emulate Neo geo pocket emulators as it was one of my fav consoles. I just need the program and etc... can any1 help me out
Quiest I like turtles! Joined Sep 2, 2004 Messages 3,411 Age 41 Location Dteuschland ;) Mar 5, 2005 #2 I just thought you got a gp32emu running on a NGPC... Just go here. The emu is still alpha, I think, so don`t expect high speed/compatibility. And there is no sound emulation.
I just thought you got a gp32emu running on a NGPC... Just go here. The emu is still alpha, I think, so don`t expect high speed/compatibility. And there is no sound emulation.
Azure Trust the recursion... Joined May 21, 2003 Messages 3,805 Location California, USA Mar 6, 2005 #3 And it was uploaded nearly a year ago. So, I think it's safe to say that it's discontinued.