neo geo (arcade) emulation possible -- 1st gen?


Active Member
Feb 27, 2003
Los Angeles
some of the early neo geo games are great -- I have read the posts that rlyeh's got -- uh.. some degree of emulation of the system (I think?) with his Mame WIP but I guess there's just not enough power in the GP32 to load the games, is the problem..

anyway, the oldest games aren't terribly large (couple Mb's zipped), there's some cool shmups and etc. in there (as opposed to later Neo Geo games like metal slug 3, etc - @ 30Mb zipped files!) - I know for a fact that a couple years ago Mame changed the way they were read/launched (and it started getting muuuuuch slower to launch ANY NG games).. does that mean if older methods are used then it might be possible (or perhaps porting neorage or some other emulator) .. or am I just completely off-base here with little clue what I'm talking about... clue me in plz...
I've got a feeling that it's something to do with the fact that Neo-Geo roms need to be totally loaded into ram uncompressed,and that wouldn't leave much room for anything else...

I'm going by what I (think) I remember from another thread, so if anyone knows any better.....
There's a couple of games, like Puzzle De Pon, that are under a meg. The newer games are huuuuge, but there's just as many that are tiny (below 4MB).

I'd say that it's definitely possible, and I may look into doing it myself when I get some time. MAME is definitely NOT the way to do it though.

..and don't ever expect to play any KoF game, or RoTD..
I had a computer that was a p133 with 16megs of ram and it struggled to play neo-geo games. It took about 25 minutes to get a game to load and once it did it was somewhat playable but was slow and really jerky. So if that computer which had about twice the ram could not play neo-geo in a way that was totaly playable and the gp32 struggles to play snes games then there is no way in hell it can play neo-geo games. Many people compare the neo-geo and the snes and say hell its a 2d system and x system can emulate a snes so it must be able to emulate a neo-geo also. The neo-geo is nothing like the snes and requires alot more resources to emulate.
angrypants, I was able to play games like Super Side Kicks on a P60, with 8MB using NeoRage (old dos version). Granted it didn't have sound and I had to use frameskip 2 (I think), but it was still playable and fun :)

The Neogeo hardware isn't all that fancy, it's quite similar to the Megadrive. I don't think the GP32 will have too much trouble emulating it. It just doesn't have the RAM to load up newer games. There's a huge range in Neogeo game sizes, from < 1MB to > 50 MB. Unfortunetly people may not be interested in playing some of the old, small games and just bitch about not being able to play Matrimlee and SNK Vs Capcom :(
..the heck with that.. I'd love to play some of the first gen shooters (ghost pilots, last resort, etc) .. super spy, nam 1975, magician lord, baseball such-n-such... maybe even slug 1 (still pretty old!) but i wouldn't cross my fingers for that one!
Hmm that would be something for the Ram upgrade i think...
also i found this emu GnGeo
It runs on a P2 300 at 60 Fps... with sound.
So i think this would be a goodone to port, but i think its not good to put so much work in a projekt to port an emu if you can only play 4 games because of the ram :)

I haven't a clue if it's possible or not. I think that it would be kind of hard though. I believe the NeoGeo was more powerfull than the SNES, and we all know how that runs on our handheld. I would kill to be able to play Samurai Showdown, metal slug, or Gowcaizer on my GP32, though.