Need some testers :) Sign up!


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
I've been plugging away to build Castaway/GP v11; its a fairly complex work and I need a pile of testers :)

If you think you can help out, sign up to castaway-test mailing list at the main castaway/gp website:

Look for the Castaway-test link.

Castaway/GP v11 is mostly about config files; rebinding the GP32 controls to do whatever you want (act like mice, keyboard, whatever, you want them to do), as well as various other settings (autofire, etc).

Since you can do lots of crazy things, I'd like lots of testers. Only for a cople days of testing really :)

I assume that is the same mailing list as before.
If so, count on me to put the new version through its paces :)
I can't wait to see what if configurable...

Same list as before... just wanted to make sure people were seeing it :)

My current devo version has all the config file mapping stuff init and autofire et al, but I'm just finishing up the actual implementation of the keybindings for mouse and joystick.. right now this second you can map any button to be mouse up/down/left/right, and any ST keyhboard key.. but not yet joystick directions/button or mouse/buttons, since they're handled a little specially.. hopefulyl have that in an hour and then let itout to the test list.

Pretty mind blowing stuff..

When you load a config file it'll show an error log if any errors, and you can pull the og up from a menu option.. its getting out of control :P

I gotta say, autofire makes some games easier ;)


Does your life miss you at the moment :P

Its rare (but great :) ) to see so much committment from someone. You make a lot of GP owners very happy, and are hopefully expanding the user base.
*g* Yeah, summer is occuring outside :P Castsway/GP is just so close to being "done" that I need to keep pushing it :) New manual looks good I think, and the version 11 in testing, despite a few issues, seems like shes doing okay. So maybe a few fixes tonight or tomorrow morning and I can rest awhile? :)

I've been killing myself lately.. fixes to XCAde for Palm OS, got my mac OSX beta of Shadow Desktop out the door, got Castaway/GP on the go like mad the last month, WinRommer fixes for Windows, and doing a pile of contract work (worked all Saturday for example, sucked). Man.

Looking forwar dto a slower summer I hope :)
