Internal Development
I've been plugging away to build Castaway/GP v11; its a fairly complex work and I need a pile of testers 
If you think you can help out, sign up to castaway-test mailing list at the main castaway/gp website:
Look for the Castaway-test link.
Castaway/GP v11 is mostly about config files; rebinding the GP32 controls to do whatever you want (act like mice, keyboard, whatever, you want them to do), as well as various other settings (autofire, etc).
Since you can do lots of crazy things, I'd like lots of testers. Only for a cople days of testing really
If you think you can help out, sign up to castaway-test mailing list at the main castaway/gp website:
Look for the Castaway-test link.
Castaway/GP v11 is mostly about config files; rebinding the GP32 controls to do whatever you want (act like mice, keyboard, whatever, you want them to do), as well as various other settings (autofire, etc).
Since you can do lots of crazy things, I'd like lots of testers. Only for a cople days of testing really