Need Some Constuctive Criticism On My Website

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it could also be obtained freely through the magic of piracy
Thats nice but it would be green and black. And i am armed with note pad, mspaint and a very obscure knoledge of html. i am patching it together as i go along atm because i can't remember half the tags.

and no offense but i believe your job is web design is it not? but thank you for the demonstration. Now what about that bomb threat?

Green and black eh, ok done.

Green and Black Page

Would you like the source files for it all? You can play around and do what you want with it then :)

Source Files

I have included a Readme.html which tells you what the files are.

Bye for now,
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yes i am using notepad. if i had £300 to get dream weaver i would. and i would love to have paint shop pro nut god knows how much that costs!

PSP is around ninety pounds, much cheaper than photoshop. Although there are always your friends eDonkey, fasttrack and IRC...

actually while we're talking web design, how do you center an image vertically in a table? its not valign=center becasue that only works inside cells.
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actually while we're talking web design, how do you center an image vertically in a table? its not valign=center becasue that only works inside cells.

Well if it's a single table, you will have a single cell in it.
To centre and image do this in the cells tag

align="center" valign="middle"

Here's a quick demo to show you how

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