Need help with GP32


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2003
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Ok just opened the box of my gp32. Put in an 8mb sm card and than formatted it.
Than I put the genemu and fsms into the GPMM folder than I created the genesis and sms directories and put the roms in there.

When I go to game it says no sm card or no games found
What am I doing worng??????

lol bummer, i think you can buy a PCI to USB converter, it goes into your pci slot inside your comp, and wala you have USB!! have a look online, im sure ive seen these things somewhere. They are most likely very cheap also btw.
You can pick those up at any place that sells computer accessories for around $20 or less, I suggest Best Buy or Circuit City in the US, also Staples has them for pretty cheap as well. :huh:
It may be simpler and cheaper to get a USB to serial adaptor, the only cost a few pounds/dollars
Thanks for the info fellas :) I can use it university for now they have usb ports now. Wow the GP32 is so great. MEgadrive games :D