i think the mp3 player on the file manager is gr8 but wen i used it i had problems with low bitrate mp3's + it has no random play as far as i found wen i used it. i think i would really like 2 c the *equaliser* in either the new beta mp3 player or 2 hav gpfm with a random play feature + a feature 2 loop everything. Its just gr8 importing equaliser settings from win amP mmmmmmmmmmmmmm !
Hmm now i have some problems with the GPFM Player .
i ripped one of my Music CDs and copied some of the Tracks to the gp32, but half of them dont work fine, it is wracked sound out put (also they take longer to load). The Others work great... Also all work in the "Normal" Gp32 mp3 player...
Oh its because of the bitrate (read it some posts up, and found it out by testing)
WAIT..... are you guys talking about just the file manager, or the file manager that plays mp3, wav, avi, etc.? I just want the one that can show jpgs and other pics.
Yeah in firmware would be cool
Perhaps than you can just put the smartmediacard of you Cam into you Gp32 to look at the pics..
We talk about the one which can show jpegs, txt, plays mp3s... start fxe ...
GPFM is brilliant, thanks for the tip off guys! It shows all the files that GP Viewer wouldn't and in stunning quality...plus the interface is great, very easy to use. A big thumbs up from me!