Need help with 3 apps.

I managed to fix the auto mount with DOSBox. There's two default.conf files, each in a different place, so I just changed them both, but I think it's the one that appears in the appdata that worked. Still not letting me install Daggerfall, though. I followed the instructions from beginning to end, and it worked on my laptop, but not on my Pandora. It keeps saying I don't have enough disk space, even though I set freespace to 1000.

Also, LMMS wasn't what I was looking for. I need something where I can actually click on the track and place individual notes, sort of like the MIDI track editor that comes with Adventure Maker.
hmm ... I have never used Adventure Maker, but isn't this what you might need? (the Piano-Roll-Window in LMMS):


but I guess it's hard to use on the Pandora anyway, because of the space the individual windows need ...

There is Qtractor in the repo. It should be exactly what you want for MIDI and it has become stable with recent PND updates. You'll need Qjack to run it successfully.