Need Help Unbricking Gp2x With Breakout Board


Still Fresh
Dec 28, 2006
I need help unbricking my GP2X with the breakout board.
What software do I need and where do I get a copy of U-boot.elf
Please help me...............and Thanks in advance

Whats wrong with it:
U-Boot (The boot loader) Does not start or work I just get a dark screen with lines on it.
and that is as far as I get.
(Yes I have good batteries in it :P )
DJWillis posted on Mar 4 2007 at 12:32 PM said:
A little info on what OS your using to unbrick your unit would help :D.

I'm using windows xp to unbrick the gp2x

sorry for not replying for like a week the nets been down here <_<
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I found out how to fix it :)

I just got gp2xrecover.exe and copied the firmware to the sd card and hooked up the breakout board to the gp2x and everything works again