Neat 3D printables


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
As you probably know, Shapeways has come a long way within the last year or two, and now offers several tools that don't require any 3D-modelling experience. (I've been using some of these to design accessories for some projects of mine, particularly the deceptively simple Image Popper. :P )

Playing with this inevitably leads to more, though, and I've since done a lot of browsing for neat 3D-printed items both on Shapeways and on Thingiverse. This thread is for sharing neat finds that can be 3D-printed, just because. :P

Some of my favourites so far include;

Mega Man / Rockman Cookie Cutter (Because, well, who doesn't want Mega Man-shaped cookies?)

DK Coin

Gear Buttons

Bob-omb Magnet

Invader button

And this fantastic selection of Lego mini-figure accessories by M1NGLES

Has anyone else seen anything neat that can be 3D-printed? Share it here!
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The pirate bay now has a section about 3d models for 3d printers would it be okay if I link to that section?