Play Me !! 111


Nintendo Switch
Oct 8, 2005
Grid Wars

Kotaku @ today said:
If you agree with any of the following statements:

1. I like Geometry Wars but want to play it on my work PC instead of working
2. I haven’t yet played Geometry Wars and want to see what all the fuss is about
3. I like free games and copyright infringement
4. I like installing software

Then I suggest you go get yourself some Grid Wars, a Geometry Wars knock-off, before the suits at Microsoft shut it all down. Hurry! Go!

>>> Download here <<<:)

Thank you
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Wow!!!! This is great, runs awsome on my iMac g5 with my ps2 controller. I had to modify the resolution to just get the dumb file to start though (it was 1280 by 800, and I don't know of any mac that supports that I changed it to 1440x900)

It also took me awhile to figure out the joystick setup, seems I have to click on the scale factor 1 for each axis to get it to work.

Alright enough for now I have to go play it.
Nova posted on Apr 29 2006 at 01:10 PM said:
For another fun game, go here.

EDIT: Fixed link.
HOLY HELL! That DOS game was my favorite. I would play it all the time. FUNKY BOMB! :D
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PSyMastR posted on Apr 30 2006 at 01:41 AM said:
This game is really fun. Thanks for pointing this one out. Now I have no real need for e 360.

reallynotnick posted on Apr 30 2006 at 03:01 AM said:
Wow!!!! This is great, runs awsome on my iMac g5 with my ps2 controller. I had to modify the resolution to just get the dumb file to start though (it was 1280 by 800, and I don't know of any mac that supports that I changed it to 1440x900)

It also took me awhile to figure out the joystick setup, seems I have to click on the scale factor 1 for each axis to get it to work.

Alright enough for now I have to go play it.

Your Welcome(s).....even though reallynotnick didn't really say thanks. :unsure:
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I am reasonably sure you posted this after I posted the exact same link in some other thread... but I'll let it pass.

(it was the one about the new hardware in the X360)
Yeah, I think I noticed the other post about this game.

I ignored the recommendation at fist however, which I really shouldn't have... This game is great!

It's been getting more playtime these couple of days, than anything else I have.

I does however tend have slowdown when the screen get's very cluttered (some 8 minutes in the game). This ofcourse makes the game easier at that point, but that's hardly the point if you're playing for highscore.
Someone with a faster PC than mine will have a harder time surviving at that point.
I just played a game today where I topped my previous highscore - and felt like I didn't deserve it because I relied on slowdown.

So I'm actually trying to turn off some of the bells and whistles - haven't really improved much.
When I first got this game and tried this game I thought "It would be great if someone took up the task and ported this for the X-box or PS2", but now I doubt that it would run well enough on any of these.... apart from the whole "programmed in Blitz Basic"-problem.

Guess there is a reason Geometry Wars 3 is for Xbox360 :)
Ringo posted on Apr 30 2006 at 11:10 AM said:
Yeah, I think I noticed the other post about this game.

I ignored the recommendation at fist however, which I really shouldn't have... This game is great!

It's been getting more playtime these couple of days, than anything else I have.

I does however tend have slowdown when the screen get's very cluttered (some 8 minutes in the game). This ofcourse makes the game easier at that point, but that's hardly the point if you're playing for highscore.
Someone with a faster PC than mine will have a harder time surviving at that point.
I just played a game today where I topped my previous highscore - and felt like I didn't deserve it because I relied on slowdown.

So I'm actually trying to turn off some of the bells and whistles - haven't really improved much.
When I first got this game and tried this game I thought "It would be great if someone took up the task and ported this for the X-box or PS2", but now I doubt that it would run well enough on any of these.... apart from the whole "programmed in Blitz Basic"-problem.

Guess there is a reason Geometry Wars 3 is for Xbox360 :)

Um. Ive got a P4 2.8 with 1 gig of ram (DDR2), 256mb Radeon X700 (ASUS's version) pro, and I never get lag. Compare your specs to mine and see if that may be the problem.
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Yeah.. the dual analogues help a lot with playing this. (I had a quick (which turned into a fairly long 1 hour) go) on this with a PS2 pad... it's really addictive! O_O

You can play it without dual analogues... but I don't suppose it's much fun (I tried that before digging out the Dualshock2) The keys interfere with each other on a keyboard.
PSyMastR posted on Apr 30 2006 at 04:39 PM said:
Um. Ive got a P4 2.8 with 1 gig of ram (DDR2), 256mb Radeon X700 (ASUS's version) pro, and I never get lag. Compare your specs to mine and see if that may be the problem.

mmm.. ok - I've got a P4 2,66 with 768 mb ram, ATI Radeon 9600 128mb (I think). However the graphicscard doesn't work quite as intended ever since a power-blackout... I don't really play PC games that much anyway.

Don't get me wrong: It's quite playable. I just noticed that it slowed down slightly in a cluttered screen (ie. many snakes), and thus givin' me an edge over someone with a faster PC. This makes my score and others (friends I try to "sell" this game to) incomparable.

Just found this:

It's another Clone, but it's possibly more faithfull to Geometry Wars 3. I don't actually know since I haven't triede the original, but I get that impression after reading the link RiX0R posted.
You can certainly feel the Black holes in this version.

I like Grid Wars 2 better at this moment - But I haven't testet Grid Assualt fully yet
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Fishbong posted on Apr 30 2006 at 06:42 PM said:
This is really a good game, shame i can´t recommend it to my friends since they don´t have dual analog joypads.

Sure you can. It can be played very well with the keyboard. I tried it with a GC controller, but I wasn't as good with it as I was with the keyboard.

Plus I got the impression that I was slower on the joypad vs. the keyboard. Playing with the keyboard, I felt I was just as fast as the red ships with shields, but with the joypads it felt like I was a bit slower than them.
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