I have just finished downloading the planet.bin file, and I got to say, everything continues to work. Even with 2.4 gigs of map data, there are still no major slow downs.
As an experiment, I put in a long route: Toronto, Ontario to Hartford, Connecticut, an 8 hour drive to the south east. This was a good test of the routing because there's Lake Ontario in the way. It took a total of 18 seconds to calculate the route. Normally I go west to go around the lake. This is the way Google says to go, and takes about 8 hours, as I said. Navit had me going east and north, towards Montreal, a trip which would increase the time by about 2.5 hours. So the heuristic they're using isn't quite perfect for long distances. I moved my starting position the west side of the lake, and suddenly it started matching up with what Google had.
I am not going to complain about the route heuristic they used: it was intentionally a hard route to calculate. For shorter distances without huge bodies of water in the way (no, it won't give me directions across the ocean, I just tried

) it should be very good.
So, from what I can tell, to be truly useful, Navit will need 3 things:
1) A complete address search. Not just the street search it has now, but actually being able to enter a numeric address. Even if it's not perfect (and I've yet to find any navigation software (free, commercial, and google) that is right all the time), so long as it comes kinda close, you can then count from there.
2) POI search, both by name and by type. This doesn't actually seem like that difficult of a thing to do, it's just something the developers haven't had time to do.
3) Way points; being able to say "go here, and then here, and then here" in a single route would solve that tricky routing problem. When in doubt, let the human do some of the work for you.
One other thing I found annoying was that, when I zoomed out, country and land mass borders disappeared. It'd be nice if they were always drawn, especially for Europeans who might need to see where they are relative to 3 or 4 other countries.
oh, and 4) there's no seperation by state. There are over a dozen Hartfords across the US, and currently no way to tell the difference when searching. The data is there, they just haven't found a way to use it yet.
That's my opinion. With a few tweaks, I believe this will be very good software for the Pandora, and look forward to using it on my car trips.