N64 Emulation Becoming More Likely?


Still Fresh
Jul 24, 2008
I may be wrong but since the Pandora's RAM got bumped up to 256mb, doesn't that mean that the N64 should be able to be emulated? According to www.emulator-zone.com, most of the n64 emulators only need 128mb of RAM.

Don't chew me out if this is a stupid question please.
I think the CPU emulation was the bottleneck, not the amount of ram used.
N64 is and has always been possible.
The only issue is that we need a skilled programmer to write it for us.
I don't think any emu on pandy was/is limited by the 128MB. Not even drkIIziel's nullDC port if it does indeed run on the pandy.
anexanhume said:
I don't think any emu on pandy was/is limited by the 128MB. Not even drkIIziel's nullDC port if it does indeed run on the pandy.
Pretty much all the emus would be able to have ran if they were going to do so on a Pandora in the old footprint.

It's the commercial, homebrew, and FOSS titles that would have been a mixed bag.

For example...

You'd have had to dink a bit with the assets on Quake3 and ioquake3 to get it to work nicely (but it'd have done it all the same...) but now it ought to just all drop onto a machine.

You'd have had to do the same thing with Freespace2's SCP engine version.

I don't know if Ballistics would have fit nicely in the 64-98Mb memory footprint that'd been available to us out of that 128Mb of RAM (Don't forget OS, 3D overhead, etc. would have to be accounted for out of that 128Mb...;)).
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