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Hah, oh well. The N-gage is kinda cool to me, I'd buy it in a sec if it waslike $100, not 3.
i actually bought an n-gage and im very pleased with it. $300 does seem a little pricey at first but after talking to the head n-gage guy at the launch party its really worth it. impressive 3D gfx the games i love screw the reviews. plus its a phone, a radio with great sound EXTREMELY loud. an mp3 a phone that can be used around the world which is convenient since i go to serbia every two years. and considering all new phones start off at around $300 its not bad of a deal. I still love my gp32 but i also love my GBA and N-gage. N-gage arena only offers ghost racing right now but christopher folmar head n-gage guy told me just to watch they will be offering true online and he hinted that square will be making games which is very exciting. and people saying its too hard to swap the games COME ON i can now take the games out as fast as i can with gp32 its not a big deal u lazy people. and talking on 6the phone like a taco isnt bad either people think its funny in a cool way they say woah thats weird then they want one. all you gp32 fanboys dont say anything just like we all said to gba fanboys i dont want to see us doing the same to the n-gage. so anyone thats interested go try it out you might like it.

and heres me at the N-gage launch party in Los Angeles
You know, Mr. N-Gage Launch Party has a point. Perhaps it ISN'T that bad. It does have some pretty bad design flaws, though. I dunno, I still plan on trying it at some point to see how bad it really is. Maybe I'll like it, but I doubt it. Vertical screen, jesus, who -thought- of that. It's got things wrong with it the game.com got right.
Im one of the 500 UK people that have brought a N Gage - and its pretty good really - apart from the stupid way you have to hold it to make calls, which isnt a great problem because most of the time ive got the handsfree plugged in listening to the inbuilt mp3 player. Forget about its ability as a serious games machine, its just basically a useful all in one tool. Till i brought it i used to carry around every day a fone, my gp32, and a minidisc player (i spend 4 hours a day on a train commuting) now i can just use the n gage (hopefully)

so its good in that way but it doesnt it doesnt really excel in any area - worth buying i think especially as i already had a massive wodge of symbian and java games already.

no doubt it will be even better when cough cough somebody works out how to create backups
*Dc*hardcoregamez posted on Oct 17 2003 at 04:23 AM said:
i actually bought an n-gage and im very pleased with it. $300 does seem a little pricey at first but after talking to the head n-gage guy at the launch party its really worth it. impressive 3D gfx the games i love screw the reviews. plus its a phone, a radio with great sound EXTREMELY loud. an mp3 a phone that can be used around the world which is convenient since i go to serbia every two years. and considering all new phones start off at around $300 its not bad of a deal. I still love my gp32 but i also love my GBA and N-gage. N-gage arena only offers ghost racing right now but christopher folmar head n-gage guy told me just to watch they will be offering true online and he hinted that square will be making games which is very exciting. and people saying its too hard to swap the games COME ON i can now take the games out as fast as i can with gp32 its not a big deal u lazy people. and talking on 6the phone like a taco isnt bad either people think its funny in a cool way they say woah thats weird then they want one. all you gp32 fanboys dont say anything just like we all said to gba fanboys i dont want to see us doing the same to the n-gage. so anyone thats interested go try it out you might like it.
Do you work for Nokia?
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He went to the launch party, they prolly paid him to take an N-gage with him :P

I've tried out the N-gage from a friend, and from EB games...

I hate it, I hate the design, the goofy button layout, the way you use it as a phone, the graphics (smooth kickass 2D and well made 3D > grainy slow 3D) the screen.... (WHY use a standard cellphone screen on a "GAMING" device?) The only thing I like is the Mp3 player, and GP32 already does that.... And I hate the lack of new original games and lack of any sort of good port (Pandemonium looks so Bad I could hardly tell what was on screen, and tomb raider was lackluster when it was first released)

I gave it the benefit of a doubt, and it had to turn on it's screen and remove all doubt.

And of course the nokia guys are going to make promises, (square on N-gage? Excuse me....AH HA HA HA HA HA AH HA, HA HA HA HA AHA. bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha aaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa!!!!!!....I'm ok now....maybe with an un-official release of the FF1 port for normal cellphones maybe) just like how nintendo has an online plan? And Windows has no security holes? :rolleyes:
Well I don't doubt that square is going to make a game for ngage, it's not like sony is gonna make a handheld.
I tried out the almighty N-Gage at a local gaming store this weekend and wow. Boy am I suprised, i'm suprised at how much this system sucks. The game I played was Tomb raider, which has worse graphics than the Sega Saturn version. The gameplay was sooooo slow. Everything other than running seemed to go in slow motion. The controls were horendous, i couldn't run a straight line if my life had depended on it, and trying to hit all the buttons on the system was unbelievable. They are all so close together i found myself mashing more than one button at the same time. Even if Square, my fav software company, did make a game for N-gage, thats still not enough for me to buy one. Frankly, i would never buy one of these, I think I'll wait until its dead and maybe pick one up cheap at a flea market or something, just to have one. Shouldn't take long for this system to die off. :D
Its not the N-gage 'd be worried about its the Zodiac which is very simular to the GP32, but has a better CPU more ram. touch screen etc... of course the thing costs a small fortune too.