My Volume Is Too Low


Active Member
Jan 26, 2008
Nottingham, UK
the volume on my pandora is really really low.
if i'm watching a movie i have to sit within 3 inches of the speakers to properly hear it.
music is only marginally better (because it's mastered louder i guess).

i have checked the alsa mixer and everything is up full, and so are the volume sliders on mplayer and exaile.
is there anything i can do to increase the volume to a level that is audible?
gibberish said:
yeah i should have mentioned that i guess. the volume wheel is up full of course.

So MASTER in Alsa is full, MPlayer volume (set in preferences to Software Mixing) is full AND hardware wheel is fully open?
Hmm... sounds pretty weird - you sure that the movies you try have a proper audio level?
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well admittedly the movie is 5.1 surround sound which is usually quieter on 2.0 systems but it really is quiet.
please can you clarify this bit - "MPlayer volume (set in preferences to Software Mixing)" just to be sure?
gibberish said:
well admittedly the movie is 5.1 surround sound which is usually quieter on 2.0 systems but it really is quiet.
please can you clarify this bit - "MPlayer volume (set in preferences to Software Mixing)" just to be sure?

When first setup, MPlayer tries to use the ALSA controls - and that acts up when you try to move the volume control in MPlayer.
In one of the preferences page, you can enable Software Volume control (or similar named).
Might help making things louder.
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