@torpor, great job on getting it all together! I have a tech question for you on that cable, what electronics are in the egg?
I assume at the least a max232 chip (my Samsung e810 cable hack has that inside the casing

), and possibly a way to make 5 volts. Have you or do you need to provide 5 Volts to the USB plug?
I have been saying this since I saw the pinout for the EXT port. I want a cable to connect USB. I fully believe that a cable could be marketed for no more than $20 that has the power and filtering circuit embedded in either end (or the middle) of the cable using surface-mount components so you can't even see it.
Does anyone know of a 2.5" or 1.8" HDD Enclosure powered by 4 AAA batteries? I recall seeing an external Laptop optical drive built that way on eBay, but I can't remember anything more.
I bought some 1,000mA AAA Batteries at Wal-Mart and I could easily make any 1.8" or 2.5" HDD portable with that for power, but I want to know if you have seen an ready-made enclosure?
Have you seen the INOI MyDrive 1.8" 20GB HDD? Look at
the pictures here and see how small it is next to the USB plug, damn. Just need an elegant power supply.
Have you seen this?
Cyberpower AAA powered external USB 4-port hub is very elegant and seems about the size of the INOI MyDrive.
I could easily put the AAA in sets of two on the back (think PSP or GG bulges under your fingers, but with 2 AAA apeice) and power myself with Wifi for a good long time

, completely mobile, and if I put the USB plug on the back I could have the Wifi stick pointing up like an antenna.
I think hot glue would work to hold it on in a temporary fashion for testing, but the ultimate would be a snap-on back cover incorporating the batteries and USB hub (and in my dreams the 1.8" HDD) in a sleek black shell. I have to see when I get it together if it would all fit, but I wonder if it could be done so the back only sticks out as far as the existing bulge

How many would be interested in an option to put four AAA batteries in the back of their GP2X if it meant the possibilty of Wifi and a USB hub fully mobile in one unit with no wires? And any 1.8" or 2.5" HDD could likely be powered off the USB?