My solution to the batter problem and case problem


Mar 29, 2003
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i use this baby here, it was made for the gba/gbc (luckily for the gbc) so it fits/works on my gp32... only bad thing is that i cant close the back cover

for the cover i use this thingy

heres what it sorta looked like when i bought it :

except my bags cooler in that its grey trim with black body.

I think i can tweak the light so itll somehow attach itself to the gp32 so yay :D

Okay so the review (that is if anyones still reading this...):
BAG : PERFECT! It fits in just right, not too tight, nothings touching the screen. It has a secondary pouch behind it to put your other crud in... the usb cable fits in this netting meant for the linker without any difficulty, and these little elasticy bands made to hold your gba cartridges hug the smc cases without any can fit your extra batteries in two other pouches and id say youre set for a weekend trip or something of the sort.

Batteries : Not too shabby. I think they run for about 10 hours, charging seems to take a hell long time and it looks as if my recharger doesnt have an automatic stop thingy for it to indicate that the batter is fully charged... hrmm.... but nothing else to complain about here
sure but its only for the gp32 theres no large extra compartments and you have to order online vs goign to a local store to get it
Yep the official bag has space for batteries, SMC's and the USB linker. It also hugs the GP32 perfectly.

As for "going to the store to get it" i'd rather just order it over the net and wait till it arrives. I'm lazy like that :D