My Only Worry About The Pandora... (Analog Sticks)

I'm really looking forward to pre-ordering a Pandora before Sunday,
but the only thing holding me back are my worries about the 2 analog sticks...

To me, it looks they would be rather uncomfortable, and would hurt your thumbs after awhile.
I'm curious as to whether or not there are any hands on impressions of the unit's analog sticks,
and whether they will be any different in the final version that will be shipped in November.

Thanks in advance!
There is a video of the nubs on the official blog.

The developers have held the case and assured us it feels comfortable (because many share your concern). As for long-playing sessions, we shall see.
As far as position is concerned, they are perfect. I printed out a little paper version of the pandora to see how the button/nub placement would work. Feels great. Much better than the nub placement on the PSP. Of course, I'm 6'5" and have pretty big hands so maybe other people will have trouble reaching them but they are perfect for me ;)
I want to know why they spent all that money on getting custom nubs designed and didn't get any with push buttons.
enemyphoenix said:
I want to know why they spent all that money on getting custom nubs designed and didn't get any with push buttons.
I was wondering about this too. When the nub problem first came up, people (including myself) came out in favor of PSP style nubs with no click and a decent amount of travel, over nubs with click but little travel.

However, the reason for this was that PSP style nubs were readily available and custom dealies would be too expensive. Since they went the custom route anyway, I don't see why we don't have click.
Mabye the click, like many other things, is copyrigted and would cost alot of money to use.
Besides, it doesn't really have much point.

My opinion of the analog nubs is that the certainly look like the most comfortable analog nubs ever, but if there any better than the PSP ones I'll probably use them most the time. Although if I'm planning to beat Ocarina Of Time, I'll probably whip out the N64 controller :wink: .
The original analog nubs had center click and a large amount of travel. These weren't custom though. The new custom nubs probably ended up without travel due to pricing or availability issues. It's not a copyright/patent issue, I don't think.
To me, the analog nub placement on the Pandy looks far more comfotable than the PSP. The PSP nub is too close to the edge of the device, so I have to hold my thumb sideways and crooked, which leads to terrible cramps after too long.
I guess I'd have to try it in person, but I'm wary about nubs that click. I think it would wear your thumbs out quickly. Also, you might get mis-clicks because you're playing an intense game. It seems better to have something else like the shoulder triggers as mouse clicks.
The nubs are custom because nothing like that exists anywhere in the world - only us and Sony manufacture something like this.

Oh and yes - there are plenty of trademarks and patents involved - exactly why 'just' using the PSP one was not possible.

It does make me laugh when people say 'just use this' 'just use that' without understanding what they are talking about, if only things could be that simple in the real world.

As for the Pandora control section - it's designed to be a Dpad (the complete bottom part) and that is exactly how it feels.
sinoth said:
I guess I'd have to try it in person, but I'm wary about nubs that click. I think it would wear your thumbs out quickly. Also, you might get mis-clicks because you're playing an intense game. It seems better to have something else like the shoulder triggers as mouse clicks.
The nubs don't click.
craigix said:
The nubs are custom because nothing like that exists anywhere in the world - only us and Sony manufacture something like this.

Oh and yes - there are plenty of trademarks and patents involved - exactly why 'just' using the PSP one was not possible.

It does make me laugh when people say 'just use this' 'just use that' without understanding what they are talking about, if only things could be that simple in the real world.

As for the Pandora control section - it's designed to be a Dpad (the complete bottom part) and that is exactly how it feels.

Alright, so now I'm confused as to why the original, off-the-shelf nubs had click and the new custom ones don't. Because buying off-the-shelf nubs meant that the manufacturer paid to have stick-click, but creating custom nubs meant that you'd need to front the fees for click?
It was never made clear why the manufacturer of the original nubs decided to not actually manufacture them. It may be because they didn't pay for the rights to use the click feature. In any event, what we got was the best possible solution given the time and money restraints.