Yay, Got My Pandora


Dec 27, 2007
Just got back from vacation today to find my second-hand one nubber waiting at the post office.
The left nub is gritty but otherwise seems fine after doing the nub dance a few times. Think blasting it with canned air will do any good?
The only other problem is I have too many things to try on it and not enough time :P Lots of ROMs and PNDs to try, sexying up XFCE, etc...
Like everyone said, the D-pad is fantastic. The keyboard is decent, probably about as good as a keyboard of that size can get, of course it will never compare to a full size keyboard. I have to look for several seconds to find the correct key if i want to type a symbol because the placement is unusual, but that probably just takes some getting used to. I like the placement of the , and . keys, it feels natural to have them there.
Using the nubs as mouse works better than I expected (it doesn't work very well with normal analog sticks, tried that before), and the screen is good. Super Mario 64 looks fantastic on it :D
I literally haven't had it for more than 2 hours, but that's my first impressions... more to come!
Congratulations, a winner is you - looking forward to hearing more thoughts!

You'd better change your signature. :lol:
Prometheus said:
Congratulations, a winner is you - looking forward to hearing more thoughts!

You'd better change your signature. :lol:
No one noticed it before so I figured they wouldn't notice it now either... actually I just forgot :P
EDIT: Fixed :)
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Jdbye said:
I have to look for several seconds to find the correct key if i want to type a symbol because the placement is unusual, but that probably just takes some getting used to. I like the placement of the , and . keys, it feels natural to have them there.
It's all very well, till you find each Monday, you struggle to use a standard keyboard again!
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The worst thing about the keyboard is trying to find the blue symbols in the dark.
The only real issue I've had with the keyboard layout is the location of the backspace. Muscle memory is pretty die hard. Trying to type something often goes like this:

Once upon a timr

Oops that was supposed to be an e, better get rid of that r:

Once upon a timrp

Dammit, now I have p there. Better get rid of that:

Once upon a timrpp

SomeGuy99 said:
The worst thing about the keyboard is trying to find the blue symbols in the dark.

ah, a fellow bed pandora user. When my wife is trying to sleep, she doesn't like when I turn on the lamp just to use the toy that gets more attention than her so, I'm always closing the screen to a 30 degree angle to use the screen light to locate those damn blue characters. The glare on those shinny buttons is terrible but it does work. Bring on the back lit keyboard mod :P
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not a bad idea actually

this would work: