My Gp32 Was Stolen!


Dec 12, 2003
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
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Yesterday, like everyday, I brought my GP32 to school. But when I left school, It wasn't in my bag. I thought I might have left it in my room but no. I wen't on MSN to see if the only person who knows my locker combo took it, he said no. This morning I looked in my locker and it wasn't there. I wen't to the office and told the secretary about it (calling it "like a gameboy") who then told the vice principle who said he would check the camera system. I wen't to get my lunch from my locker and to my surprise it was in there. I opened the case and my headphones were gone but the SMC and rechargeable batteries were still there as well as the unit itself, there were some smudge marks on the screen. I turned it on and it was stuck on the Pacroms USB transfer screen, the moron didn't know how to work the thing so put it back! While it is good I got it back, I now have to buy a new pair of headphones. The vice principle still never got back to me, so much for the "camera system", now I know we're screwed if a serious crime happens in my catholic french highschool. Althought the thief returned my GP32 (not the headphones <_<), I still wan't to kick his ass.
Yeah thats a nice theif type guy.

Most people wouldn't return it. they would flog it or keep it.

The moral of the story:

Don't rely on the Headmaster.
While I'm glad they returned it, they still kept my headphones! I wish they sold my GP32 and then I caught them and made them buy me a BLU. But now if I catch someone at my schoo with the same headphones I'm gonna kick their ass.
Enslaved posted on Dec 1 2004 at 06:40 PM said:
While I'm glad they returned it, they still kept my headphones! I wish they sold my GP32 and then I caught them and made them buy me a BLU. But now if I catch someone at my schoo with the same headphones I'm gonna kick their ass.
my mp3 player got robbed in school. So I got it again for Christmas, worst present ever lol. :P
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I dont take my GP32 to school because of things like that.

Get the Police to take the Finger prints off the screen and get him arrested :P lol
Enslaved posted on Dec 1 2004 at 06:47 PM said:
Did your insurence pay for them?

This only happened today, DHL is using a "Tracing Agent" or something, hopefully the DHL Ninja will get them back for me and cut the throats of the jerks that took them.
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Enslaved, i'm kinda disappointed. I know your in Canada, but damn, why would you take something that nobody has ever seen to a place where there are lots of people?? Intrigue is one of the most compelling reasons why something gets stolen. I don't feel bad for anyone that has their GP32 stolen from leaving it some place public, even if it is in a locker.
when i was in school we didn't take in expensive things, mainly because we were in school to GO TO CLASSES not to play games... we got to school, school started, we went to classes.. at lunch time we had lunch, then went back to classes, then went home...

what the fuck is wrong with kids these days
It's clear to me... your school vice principle is the thief :ph34r:
He took your locker combo looking at camera system B)
Clearly, it was your friend who also has your locker combo. As soon as you asked him about your GP, he got scared. When you went to the Headmaster, the guy figured it would only be a matter of time before he got caught, so he returned the GP back to your locker, again, begin the only other known person with the combination. As for the headphones, there is a good chance he will cough them up if you lift him up by his ankles and shake him in rapid succession.

Hope you get the phones back.

P.S. I need a new avatar
School....... oh man my brain is like fried.... band... I was playing my oboe and I think I blew too hard or something and I got this headache that was like an explosion in my head each time my heart beated and it lasted for 6 seconds. I was light headed for an hour and now i cant think or anything.... im so mad.... but anyway, at school I dont have time to do anything. Im in I.B. (internation bachalaureate) which is this hardest course in the world (quite literally). Its hard to maintain my 4.0, so I also dont have time do anything at home. I have soo much homework. I dont even get off school untill the 24th of november, CRHISTMAS EVE for gods sake. Oh well. Your lucky you can play your gp32, and im glad you got it back. Now I gotta see if I got a brain tumor or something. Im still dizzy and stuff. ......................... cya....
Good thing the idiot who stole it couldnt figure out how to use it. LOL

I bring my gp32 to school quite often, it is fun to just play some classic games between classes, on the bus and at lunch. Though i dont think you should trust lockers, you should just keep the gp in your pocket or attached to your belt in a case. Thats what i do, so if some person tried to steal it, id be able to stop them and beat the shit out of them, savagely Or possibly kill them.....

Hopefully, the appeal of stealing a gp32 will dissapear once most people get a ds or psp..
Cuz then most people will think ur gp32 is a piece of crap and isnt worth stealing...