Should I Sell My Gp32


Still here...
Jun 12, 2004
The Netherlands
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What do you guys think... should I sell my gp32 and get a gp2x?
I mean the gp32 is still a great console, but I dont use it often anymore and the gp2x looks so cool :D

And if I sell it, how much would i get for: 1 gp32 FLU max oc 194mhz, 2x 128mb smc, a carrying bag (fits great) and headphones?

btw. playing keen and jazz jackrabit would be awesome :D.
I can't say whether you should buy a GP2X or not, but if I were you, I would keep the GP32 in any case. I bought the GP2X a few days ago and though there is already a lot great stuff for it, when it comes to the hardware, I like the GP32 more. And for devving GP32 looks to be better too. It is just my opinion, but eventhough I now have the GP2X, I am still planning to code for the GP32 and probably only for it.
If you can afford to have both definitely. The GP32 is still cool, and will also become a collectors item no doubt. :)
yeah, but the fact that hardly anything is being released for the GP32 anymore could warrant selling it. Being a collector, i won't sell mine, and i'm still gonna wait for the so called "F-day". But right now, the only thing that i see the GP2x can do that the GP32 can't is better SNES and Mame, and PSX and Neo Geo. If people wanted, i'm sure they could port their homebrew to the Gp32, but thats probably not going to happen, but there hasn't been a homebrew game yet that i've seen that is so technically advanced that it probably couldn't run on the GP32.

Oh, and probably encoding movies on the GP2x is alot easier than the GP32. I say keep it at least for maybe another year.
Judging from the pictures on Relyhs site, F-day might happen on the GP2x at the same time as GP32 thanks to his library.
mmm... keeping the gp32 is indeed a good thing to do...
but going on vacation is expensive :(, and I also want a new monitor... damn

I could also sell my Carson remote controlled car (which is also very cool) goes 90kph!
I spend about 350 euros on it so I think ill get enough for a gp2x when I sell it.

Anyone wants a Carson?
2gears (w00t)
new metal exhaust
and everything to get you going! :P

about fday: will it happen, and what will it exactly be, will there be a snes emulator?
if snes is full speed on the gp32, or almost ill definitly keep it.
I can't say whether you should buy a GP2X or not, but if I were you, I would keep the GP32 in any case. I bought the GP2X a few days ago and though there is already a lot great stuff for it, when it comes to the hardware, I like the GP32 more. And for devving GP32 looks to be better too. It is just my opinion, but eventhough I now have the GP2X, I am still planning to code for the GP32 and probably only for it.

There is almost no way a GP32 is easier to code for than the GP2X, except perhaps that the 2X has more options. (ie: In addition to Fenix, theres PyGame and PerlGame and others.) Both have SDL and Fenix, but using gcc and such for the GP2X (aka Linux) is a much better understood thing that all the various offshoots for the GP32.

That said, both are crazy easy to dev for :)

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Id say keep your gp32, and sell your rc car thing (try ebay).

But, you said you dont use your gp32 much anymore, so if you dont use it anymore and dont plan to use it in the future, then you might as well sell it and get a gp2x.

My 2 cents