Trying for hours to transfer files with pc-link without result, but then realize I have a card reader in my printer 
So now my GP32 is full with C64 and NES roms. And I have always the FLU on, how could anybody play without FLU :huh: It's dark as hell
Now I need to get an adaptor so I don't need to pay $$$$ for new batts all the time.
Not a new post without a few n00b questions so here goes:
1. Do I have to rename my wad file or put it in some special folder to get GPDoom to work? Now it say I don't have a wad file, but I do have. Doom1.wad is there in the same wolder as GPDoom.
2. I have pretty much all of my fav C64 games on those Blaster disk collections, is there a way to get those to work in Frodo?
So now my GP32 is full with C64 and NES roms. And I have always the FLU on, how could anybody play without FLU :huh: It's dark as hell
Now I need to get an adaptor so I don't need to pay $$$$ for new batts all the time.
Not a new post without a few n00b questions so here goes:
1. Do I have to rename my wad file or put it in some special folder to get GPDoom to work? Now it say I don't have a wad file, but I do have. Doom1.wad is there in the same wolder as GPDoom.
2. I have pretty much all of my fav C64 games on those Blaster disk collections, is there a way to get those to work in Frodo?