Mugen Port

Mugen actually is a more developed fighter engine, due to the KOF91/95 is the past version, Mugen evolved out of KOF, so KOF is good, it runs ok and such *havent played much due to last time i had it sucked XD*

Basically we do not need mugen due to we have the predesecor of it
Enslaved posted on Feb 27 2004 at 11:17 PM said:
Oh I thought that there were more moves like flipping and all those thing KOF doesnt have.
prolly that too in mugen
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Yeah, MUGEN gives you about 100 times the freedom and customizability of KOF91 when it comes to programming character-specific states, special effects, helpers, velocities, etc. Which, of course, makes half the available characters RAM hogs (some are >10MB!)