Mouse Emulation On Wiz?

Wow, maybe it's because my brother and I mostly got Nintendo consoles growing up but I had no idea until now that the Genesis ever had a mouse!
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'DurTahar' said:
Wow, maybe it's because my brother and I mostly got Nintendo consoles growing up but I had no idea until now that the Genesis ever had a mouse!
Yes but there were almost no games to support it, even Cannon Fodder doesn't support it, so emulating mouse won't give much (at least for Genesis, don't know much about SNES).

'WarmFluffyUK' said:
Mouse emulation is easily implemented due to the Wiz having a touch screen.
While this is true for most ported apps, it is not for emulation. Mouse is only sending relative pointer position changes, not coords of some sort, so the emu would have to do some sort of mouse cursor tracking and event sending to the emulated game. This may be difficult and might not work well in the end.
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I know it's nothing to do with Genesis or SNES, but the Amiga had a mouse, and a LOT of games used it :)
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I only have an SNES mouse because of Mario Paint, but to be honest I don't really have any need to play that on the go!
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I think you missed what WarmFluffy said, Cannon Fodder was originally for the Amiga and that used a mouse and A500 is very likely to be one of the main systems emulatable on the wiz.

EDIT: typo
Well the Amiga doesn't use roms it uses disk Iimages, and yes they are fairly easy, but obviously we can't link to any ROM/DISK images here, you just have to do a bit of googling.
I know this is getting the thread a bit off topic but how is the emulation of Amiga on the Wiz? I have been curious to see if it's the same or if there is a bit of a speed increase. Is UAE even compiled for the Wiz yet?
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'geise69' said:
I know this is getting the thread a bit off topic but how is the emulation of Amiga on the Wiz? I have been curious to see if it's the same or if there is a bit of a speed increase. Is UAE even compiled for the Wiz yet?
That's fine. I'm curious about the performance of Amiga emulation as well, even if I have to store large images on an SD card (that is if mouse emulation for SNES isn't possible).
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Actually, what about using the touchscreen to play super scope games? That shouldn't be too hard, considering it's done with the mouse on PC?
speaking of mouse emulation,.. it would be cool if the picodrive had it added for atleast Eye of the Beholder.