more than 8 ?


Still Fresh
May 16, 2003
I recently installed PC-Link 1.3.1 because I thought that it supports more than 8 characters for file description !!! But I can't find how !!!
Can you help
hmm i think the deluxe hack (or something like that) of 1.3 is possible for more than 8 characters file names...
do you mean this?
just to point out, the deluxe version simply renames long filenames to 8.3 format - they don't go on the SMC as long filenames. (Well I should hope they don't at least, this is FAT12)
Well... if you want long filenames you can kind of get them - if you write with an SMC writer and have it formatted as FAT32... I think the GP32 still reads them (it reads mine) - but you won't see them on the unit itself; only on the card-reader...