Atari 2600 Roms


Mar 2, 2003

Thought I'd get ahead of the game - I have renamed a huge archive of 2600 roms to 8 characters with the 3 character filename - cause of course no doubt many of the archives you'l find - will have massive filenames...

Is there any pitfalls I should be aware of - eg, what characters doesn't the gp32 does not like...

I've erased all dots (of course not the extension) brackets and excalmation marks --and some other crap--

I will post it up on a website somewhere - so when the emulator comes out - you can download this gp32 ready 2600 rom zip.

if you need/want a mirror let me know, got unlimited bandwidth you can use :)
I have the zip file here - Where can I chuck it?

My various webspaces are causing me strife - the zip is just under 5meg

I cant access my control panel from here at work to open a FTP for you :@

you got a email size limit? if not you could send me it and ill post it up just now

if you do ill create a share tonight for them.
nice one Swiss_Cheeseman, been looking for something like that :)

Ill post a link as soon as i recieve and upload the file tim
atari 2600!!!! I can't waite for this one, I still have my atari from way back in the day hooked up to my tv in the living room. It will be nice to have missle command and yar's revenge on the go. I downloaded a 3meg zip archive awhile back that seriously had thousadns of games in it. So that and the fact that most of us have 128meg smc's would make it possible to load up almost every game without having to maek room on the card.
Well - my just under 5meg zip(it was original 6meg but I wiped out alternative versions of roms - there will loads) -

It unzips to just over 10 meg!!

and that is probably 98% of all atari 2600 games - if more!!

oh yummy!

So make sure you have around 11megs free !(including emulator)
Looking forward to this myself - even though I won't be getting my GP32 till this weekend ...
/me looks forward to the link

I can also host an 'unlimited' bandwidth file download, but since Bonks has already offered... It would be nice to include the emulator with it when it comes out, and make a 'Atari 2600 Pack' in one download...helpful for newbies :)

- Rico
Rico posted on Apr 9 2003 said:
/me looks forward to the link

I can also host an 'unlimited' bandwidth file download, but since Bonks has already offered... It would be nice to include the emulator with it when it comes out, and make a 'Atari 2600 Pack' in one download...helpful for newbies :)

- Rico
I'm getting my gp32 this weekend prolly from gbax and I would *LOVE* to be able to just download packs like that. I would also be willing to donate for the cause :)
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Huzzah, some confirmation of my thoughts.

Craig is nice enough to include emulators and PD roms in his CD. I may, however, set up of these 'packs' later this week.

Stay tuned.

- Rico