Mods... Noticed All The Fauly Gp Threads Lately??


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
not to pick a fight, but you know, it has been pointed out to me that multiple posts and topics on the same thing are really frowned upon here. So is no mod here noticing the fact that there are like a ton of different threads all regarding the subject of the faulty GP units from Lik Sang? Seriously... someone make something a sticky/main topic for this problem and cut down on the 5 new threads a day (blatant exaggeration :D ) regarding this issue........

And if someone does make a new thread into a sticky, please be sure and include the post from DonJJ, regarding the cause of the problem being a known change in the GP32 hardware (they switched to a different LCD supplier).
The reason that there was an influx of messages is that good people paid good money for something that should work --- and we are not happy about it. The whole point of these boards is to get advise for my particular problem - it doesn't matter if Fred Blogs down the road has the same thing because we are only interested in our own GP32.

And what if they change the coding so the new screens don't malfunction - will the old screens then suffer from the fault???

Stop being such a grinch and let people moan on the boards - it's the whole point of them. If you don't want to read them then don't, but I have noticed that you have stuck your comments in whenever you could!!!

The only thing that we should remember is that it's not a Lik Sang problem but an actual manufacturing problem at Gamepark. My experience with Lik Sang has been fantastic.
whoa whoa I'm not being a grinch...

DAMN some of you guys are really sensitive and quick to jump about stuff, now I see what some other 'newbs' complain about.

All I'm saying is, why have so many threads for it? You only see one on the first page because the first page only lists so few threads. Current threads seem to extend well to the second or even the third page sometimes and there are a few more down there. There are some threads about this in the Help section as well. Anyways I DID say that I was exaggerating when I said that :D . All I'm saying is it would be WAY more useful to just have one general "faulty GP" thread where people could discuss it, and see interesting developments such as this, and all the information would get out to all the people having the problem. For instance, member Donjj just broke the news about the hardware change, that Gamepark went with a different LCD screen and that may very likely be the cause of the problem. Info like that would be much easier to find for everyone with this problem if it only had to be posted in one thread, and if that thread were a sticky.

Being that it is such a common problem it only makes sense to have one main, sticky for it. Really it doesnt' bother me to see so many posts about it, I only put it that way because I recently got warned about doing this myself, and got mildly flamed by a few guys for starting threads that had apparently been covered recently. Even though those recent threads were not on the front page :P
I don't check General Talk very often, but I just did - four topics. Thanks for bringing this to my attention (since nobody else has looked into it yet). The whole issue deserves some attention, but not this much...

Edit: Added announcements to three forums, merged a bunch of topics into one and pinned it, then linked to that and closed a few other topics.
Thank you... now it will be much easier for everyone having the problem to keep track of any and all developments with it. And we can all gripe and moan (I'm sure I'm soon to join you when my GP arrives next week) in the same place :D

Sorry if I came off like a 'grinch' but really I'm only trying to be helpful.
funkyshaker posted on Dec 10 2004 at 09:34 AM said:
The reason that there was an influx of messages is that good people paid good money for something that should work --- and we are not happy about it. The whole point of these boards is to get advise for my particular problem - it doesn't matter if Fred Blogs down the road has the same thing because we are only interested in our own GP32.

And what if they change the coding so the new screens don't malfunction - will the old screens then suffer from the fault???

Stop being such a grinch and let people moan on the boards - it's the whole point of them. If you don't want to read them then don't, but I have noticed that you have stuck your comments in whenever you could!!!

The only thing that we should remember is that it's not a Lik Sang problem but an actual manufacturing problem at Gamepark. My experience with Lik Sang has been fantastic.

But *maybe* you´d get a quicker answer by using *existing* threads.
And *probably* you won`t get an answer at all if you make people tired by creating more and more posts about the same topic, even *if * you are too egoistic to grasp that this isn´t just your problem.
Yet *obviously* someone should explain the "search" function of this board to you.
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Can anyone do anything about the email subscription? I still get an email every time a thread is added to, regardless of how often I visit the thread. I used to get one email to let me know until I visited the page. I got hundreds of emails while I was away from my computer during the last GBAX compo which correlated to only a handful of threads. It has had the sad result of me subscribing to far less topics now so that I don' get buried by the email!

Go to My Controls, click on view topics, click on the tick box to the right of the topic you want to change e-mail notification for, go to the bottom of the list, click on the down arrow next to unsubscribe, click on what you want to change (e.g. No email notification)....

Unnofficial Invision Help Desk...
Yeah, I noticed the trend early on, but didn't do anything since the multiple posts were made by multiple people. It allows people to see it is indeed a big issue. But it was about time to let it calm down, thanks Rico.
argon0: I have been told that before, but no-one seems to understand what I mean. I have it set to email notification, the emails I get all say
There may be more replies to this topic, but only 1 email is sent per board visit for each subscribed topic. This is
to limit the amount of mail that is sent to your inbox.
But this is not true, so I have the right preference set, it just isn't working the way it should. I brought this up before and other users said they had the problem too, but nobody could do anything about it which is mad. I noticed it start to happen after the boards went down ages ago, when they came back up, the email notifications were behaving differently even though my preferences remained as they always had done.

I've kind of given up on getting it sorted, but thought I'd mention it as this thread was created. I can live with it, it's really more for you mod guys as I would have thought you'd want to get to the bottom of it more than me.

Shirohagen posted on Dec 10 2004 at 05:42 PM said:
In your last topic you said you would 'live with it.' Please, PLEASE do not blame us mods. We can't do anything about it and have no admin access. I couldn't really come up with an answer so I PMed hando, and he doesn't seem to have an answer either. I apologise for this mishap but I believe there's nothing you can do short of:

a) setting up a filter to move the gp32x mails to a subfolder and deleting them from your isp/mail provider's inbox
b) getting a free e-mail account and using that as your board e-mail address so the mail doesn't clog up your usual inbox

Other than that, I have no access to the configuration etc. so I don't know what's going on. Sorry.
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Hey, don't worry, like I said I'll live with it, I just don't stay subscribed to many threads that's all. I wasn't nagging, just pointing it out as I can't expect any progress if I don't mention it, and there was a thread open. The work you guys do is much appreciated and often overlooked so please don't interpret my posts as ungracious.
