Modding Questions


Man is a reasoning rather than a reasonable animal
Mar 18, 2004
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Sorry to bother you again but I have two more questions.
Is there a way to switch the red light on the top of the gp32 (indicating that it's on) to a blue light? (I saw a picture of it somewhere...)
What are the requirements for the LED button lights and how hard would it be to install them?
I think that the blue power LED was off a mobile phone, perhaps a nokia, about 80% certain of that.
There should be a tutorial / link to a tutorial about the button mods about six months ago on these forums.
I found the tutorial for the button mod but it doesn't say specifically what the requirements for the LED's are. (maybe there aren't any?)
LED lights come in multiple colors and brightness levels. Voltage is also something to consider. Some are 3.3 volt 5.0 volt 12.0 volt and even 24 volt. The shape is also important.

My suggestion would be to take your GP32 to an electronics supply store and have them match it for you. Most of these places have many individuals that wil be happy to help. If you are ever in the Fullerton, CA. area you can check Orvac on Orangethorpe and Acacia, or Ford Electronics on Commonwealth and Magnolia. I wouldn't bet on finding what you need at Radio Shack.
Hi all,

Updated my site with the details of the glass screen mod by removing onlyt he screen surround. Find it here (near the bottom). Thanks to jr2swiss as I think its his tut, and thanks to ben for pointing it out to me :)

dc22 - Would you be able to post the link to that LED mod, so that I can also add it to my site?
As far as I know I found all of my mods from your site EXCEPT for the one I sent you (I'm ben, in case you didn't know) which I assume you put on the site. Which mod are you referring to?