Mmm... Help Please

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every time i turn it on it comes up gp32 bios monitor 2003 mr spiv and a load of numbers cant do nuthin else and cannot connect it to gp32 manager to wipe firmware
please help
na batterys as fresh as daisy

Do you have a SMC instered, if you do, try turning it on without it in. It could be your card has become corrupt. You may want to back it up on your PC if you have a card reader. You can then format the card using this utility SMC Recover. You can then copy the files you backed up back to the card. An example is Codename: Iceman which is a Sierra game playable on FreeSci used to corrupt my SMC when saving games, it isn't listed as being fully supported, so I no longer have it on my card and my corruption problems are gone.

From my limited understanding the Bios monitor is the equivalent to a BSOD in Windows so something is upsetting your GP32, and I have seen low batteries mentioned before with this message, might want to try a second set to be sure.

Good luck with it.
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i dont have a card reader any other suggestions really appriciate the help
Do you have a SMC instered, if you do, try turning it on without it in.

also try without card inserted

Have you done this yet? You will at least know where the problem lies if you have, if it still does it without a card in, then the firmware has gone screwy. If it happens with the card in, then it's likely it's corrupted, but recoverable, so long as you back up the files first. Cause your gonna have to format it.

In your reply, you said you don't have a card reader, what do you use for transfering files, do you have GPManager installed? Or did you have something like Phodrive as part of your firmware?

Also do you know what firmware you were running? You could perhaps contact the author for assistance.

If it is Mr Spiv's multifirmware then you should have been able to switch on the GP32 whilst holding down the select button to go into the firmware boot selector. Do this without the card in as well.

This next idea may cause more problems, so consult the firmware author first. BE SAFE................... ;) I have no experience of this firmware or this fxe, I use Slubman firmware and before that, the official Gamepark firmware.

This could be what your looking for Mr. Spiv's MultiFirmware Reset .

This FXE clears the default Firmware selection and forces the GP32 to boot into Boot Selection Menu after next reboot - assuming you have MultiFW installed and that this is the only fxe on your smc at the time, so it boots by default.

Like i said I have no direct experience of either this firmware or the tool, if you decide to go ahead and use it without checking first then you do so at your own risk. :)
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An example is Codename: Iceman which is a Sierra game playable on FreeSci used to corrupt my SMC when saving games, it isn't listed as being fully supported, so I no longer have it on my card and my corruption problems are gone.
It's true that this game is not supported right now. The main reason for that is that the game is not beatable in FreeSCI.

However, SMC corruption should never happen. I'll look into this. Hopefully I can reproduce it, that's usually a problem with these kinds of things. It might depend on what is on the SMC.

If you have step-by-step instructions of how to get to the point of SMC corruption starting with an empty SMC that might be very helpful.
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An example is Codename: Iceman which is a Sierra game playable on FreeSci used to corrupt my SMC when saving games, it isn't listed as being fully supported, so I no longer have it on my card and my corruption problems are gone.
It's true that this game is not supported right now. The main reason for that is that the game is not beatable in FreeSCI.

However, SMC corruption should never happen. I'll look into this. Hopefully I can reproduce it, that's usually a problem with these kinds of things. It might depend on what is on the SMC.

If you have step-by-step instructions of how to get to the point of SMC corruption starting with an empty SMC that might be very helpful.

The card was far from empty when it happened, in fact it was nearly full to capacity, however it has only happened whilst playing this game and more than once, and not since I removed it. I don't think it is your port that is the problem just the lack of support in the PC version of FreeSCI.

Corruption of the card only happened during a save not to far into the game, on the morning after the one night stand at the hotel on the island. The save game seemed to work. But the game hung shortly afterwards and when the I turn the GP32 back on it didn't recognise that I had and SMC inserted. I was able to replicate this as it happened again at the same point in the game and I had to resume from an earlier save. However the third time I played it I got past this point by not saving the game there but saving later on. Played all the way up to steering the sub, but gave up because the game would not recognise me confirming a command and it is was game over, and over, and over, so I gave up removed all the files associated with game and adjusted my config file and been happy as Larry ever since....., talking of which.

I'm currently re-living the adventures of Larry Laffer, got the CD's out the loft and the games LL2 and LL3 run just fine. B) Shame FreeSCI doesn't support LL1 VGA, currently running LL1 non VGA on Sarien.

Are you porting FreeSCI to the GP2X? I think it's a great program and probably should have said so earlier, thanks for all your efforts. :D
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The card was far from empty when it happened, in fact it was nearly full to capacity, however it has only happened whilst playing this game and more than once, and not since I removed it. I don't think it is your port that is the problem just the lack of support in the PC version of FreeSCI.
The savegame stuff is the same for all the games, and it should work also for Iceman.

Corruption of the card only happened during a save not to far into the game, on the morning after the one night stand at the hotel on the island.
OK, I'll try it myself at that point. There's a big chance I won't be able to replicate it though. :/ This could be a combination of many factors. It's also possible that this is the cause of a bug in the SMC library.

However the third time I played it I got past this point by not saving the game there but saving later on. Played all the way up to steering the sub, but gave up because the game would not recognise me confirming a command
That's probably this bug: This is one of the reasons Iceman is not supported.

I'm currently re-living the adventures of Larry Laffer, got the CD's out the loft and the games LL2 and LL3 run just fine. B) Shame FreeSCI doesn't support LL1 VGA, currently running LL1 non VGA on Sarien.
Support for LSL1 is in progress. Here's a recent screenshot from the Linux version of FreeSCI: It'll probably take quite a while before it will be truly playable though. There's still lots of work to be done.

Are you porting FreeSCI to the GP2X? I think it's a great program and probably should have said so earlier, thanks for all your efforts. :D
I'll be getting a GP2X mid-december, so if noone has ported it by then (and I doubt someone will), I'll port it myself.

Btw, my apologies for hijacking this thread. :unsure:
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well i flashed the firm ware to multi firm ware and then this started to happened and its still giving me the same message when the smc is out
oh and yes im using gpmanger to upload my files frankily its not that good :huh:
and i cant connect to gpmanager since i cant get into pc link on the gp32
another problem i opened up the gp and 2 red wires snapped on the inside any help

my god man - If you get a new gp, flash the bios then open it up... your askin for trouble :blink:

the red wires are the flu light - resoldering should fix it!

the firmware - I dont understand why you needed to reflash - but it sounds like you picked the wrong flash for the system - or it just didnt work... To fix a bad flash you need to read Dark Faders website - and buy a cable from the guys that fix the GPS systems in place... not cheap or easy...

I feel for you bro :unsure:

sPaCe :ph34r:

oh and you should get a card reader!
well i flashed the firm ware to multi firm ware and then this started to happened and its still giving me the same message when the smc is out
oh and yes im using gpmanger to upload my files frankily its not that good :huh:
and i cant connect to gpmanager since i cant get into pc link on the gp32

The firmware flash was done before your first post, right? :blink:

This is pretty important information to share with us if you did.

I'm with SpaceboyGP32x on this one. If this happened straight after you flashed your firmware, then it does sadly sound like a bad flash. :( I thought you were just having trouble with your SMC card on a working firmware.

Did you make a note of the error numbers? You know it might hurt to PM Mr Spiv and see if he can give you any guidance.

Spaceboygp32x has told you how to get it sorted so listen to him. :)
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