Gp32 Bios Monitor.....


Man is a reasoning rather than a reasonable animal
Mar 18, 2004
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Recently, when I attempt to play some games, a white screen with black text comes up that says something like "GP32 BIOS Monitor v0.4 © 2003 Mr. Spiv" followed by a lot of random number/letter combinations. Why is this coming up? Is there a way I can fix this? (I'd really like to play some of these games....). It happened when I tried to play a VNS game I'm working on, so I figured I had coded something terribly wrong. Then I was playing MAME and when I tried to play some games it gave me the same screen. BTW, I have slubman's firmware.
It's the gp32_console version of the BSOD, or in this case, the WSOD.
Slubman has incorporated Mr.Spiv's bios monitor , if your bios didn't have it just figure that it would've froze up and it wouldn't have been able to be played on a GP32 without the bios monitor. I'd suggest check what might be missing (read all the VNS readme's)
I almost always get the BIOS monitor when my batteries run low. You might want to check for that, too.
It could be the battery, I'll try and change that. BTW, most games work great, its just a couple that are giving me this error. And about the VNS game, it has the exact same coding as a different VNS game or mine (guess which :P ) except its in french, so maybe the french segments of text are too long (usually when they're too long they just wrap around to the next line....).