ok i just flashed my gp32 with the Slubman Firmware and for some reson i cant connect to my pc using the file manager...is there another program that i need or what? plz help!
Slubman's has 2 types - Mine goes to a PCLink screen on GP32
then I connect the cable to the pc and the GP32
on the gp32 the status bar flicks a few times and then on the PC I can open the GP32 as a removable drive in my computer -
PCLink or GP Manager on the PC is no longer needed
(this assumes you have Windows XP)
main points
1/ on Gp32 select pclink (called phoDrive on title of new screen)
2/ connect cable afterwards (wait for initialise to complete)
3/ open GP32 as 'removable drive' in windows XP 'My Computer'
4/ just drag the files across
hope that is how it works for you - it works this way for me