Mmcqd Highcpu


Notices Two Things
Mar 10, 2006
In a cave.
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II noticed a periodic stutter no matter what I was doing, and no matter if networking was enabled or not. after some investigating with top I found the stutter coincides with a spike in cpu usage from mmcqd. I found this thread in the dingoo fourms the discribes the exact behavior, and some possible solutions.

IIs anyone else noticing this problem? I'm booting from SD, so that may make a difference, I've also installed the syncsd hack.
My BeagleBoard periodically does the same thing. I googled for it once, and the concensus seemed to be "yeah, we know about this. Some people are bothered by it. If you're one of them, let us know if you ever figure it out."
In other words, low priority. Suggestions are it's something to do with a blocking call that should be waiting for a signal but instead must poll for completion. No one seems to know which call it would be, though.
Well, on a device designed for playing games a stutter like this makes the difference between victory and bitter defeat far too often. Should be a high priority. Even if it's only really noticable when booting from SD it's probably still blocking enough for the NAND folks to have the occational game shattering hiccup.

II tried the renice 20 trick from the thread and it went from a 1/2 second pause to an occational flutter of dropped frames.
That bug exists on various devices for the last few years... I haven't found a proper fix for that yet, but EVERY handheld seems to suffer from that one...