Mlib V0.2 Sources Availabe..


Certified Guru
Jan 19, 2003
mlib v0.2 - a tiny alternative module player & SFX library for GP32 is now available for download. No bells and whistles, no any SDK dependency, fast, etc.. (and hopefully not too bugged). Check for the archive.
Arr.. just noticed that the player.c file had mixer code selection forced to "C-version". So if you want to have asm mixer etc you need to edit the "ifdefs" in the file a bit. sowwy :blink:
Is it any faster than CHN's one ? smile.gif

I havent success to made a correct compilation with my GCC 3.4.1 ... I dont know why, but when I'll success , i'll made a little bench sure.
Today I think with ASM mixer this lib will be faster than CHN's.

JyCet posted on Apr 11 2005 at 10:24 AM said:
Is it any faster than CHN's one ? smile.gif

I havent success to made a correct compilation with my GCC 3.4.1 ... I dont know why, but when I'll success , i'll made a little bench sure.
Today I think with ASM mixer this lib will be faster than CHN's.


What's the problem? I know that Makefiles might have "issues" on Winblow$ systems e.g.
I seem to use PWD environment variable, which should contain a full path to your current
working directoty. Or is it something else? :blink:
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Sanosuke posted on Apr 11 2005 at 06:40 AM said:
It strongly interests me ^_^ I'll try to compile my shoot using this mod lib (I use ADS) =)

Is it any faster than CHN's one ? :)

if you convert all those inline ASM chuncks to ADS convention, please send those to me also :P
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Ok this is my makefile:

PROG_NAME = spivmod
LONG_PROG_NAME = Spiv Mod lib
OBJS = gpmain.o gpstart.o asmfuncs.o
AUTHOR = JyCet 2K5
ICON = icone.bmp

SDK_INCLUDE_DIR = C:/devkitARM_r8/include
SDK_LIB_DIR = C:/devkitARM_r8/arm-elf/lib
SDK_LIBS = -lgpfont -lgpstdlib -lgpos -lgpgraphic -lgpstdio -lgpsound -lgpmem

CC = arm-elf-gcc
AS = arm-elf-as

INCDIRS = -Ic:/devkitARM_r8/include -I$(SDK_INCLUDE_DIR)

CPPFLAGS = $(INCDIRS) -DLITTLE_ENDIAN -DGP32 -mcpu=arm9tdmi -mtune=arm9tdmi -fexpensive-optimizations -mapcs -O3 -mstructure-size-boundary=8 -mno-thumb-interwork -fno-builtin -fno-common -fno-exceptions -finline-functions -fomit-frame-pointer -fshort-enums -ffast-math -fshort-double

LDBASEFLAGS = -L$(SDK_LIB_DIR) -specs=gp32_gpsdk.specs $(SDK_LIBS) $(OTHER_LIBS)



all:	$(TARGET)

	del /F $(OBJS)

	del /F $(PROG_NAME).fxe $(PROG_NAME).gxb $(PROG_NAME).elf

clean:	cleanobjs cleanbin

# Dependency rules

#	b2fxec -t "$(LONG_PROG_NAME)" -a "$(AUTHOR)" -b "$(ICON)" $? $@
	b2fxec -t "$(LONG_PROG_NAME)" -a "$(AUTHOR)" $? $@
	del /f $(OBJS)
	del /f $(PROG_NAME).elf

$(PROG_NAME).gxb: $(PROG_NAME).elf
	arm-elf-objcopy -O binary $? $@
$(PROG_NAME).elf: $(OBJS)
	$(CC) $? $(LIBDIRS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@

i've put your 6 files:
gp32.h (i'm not sure if it's necesary or not)
player.c - main player code & mixer (portable)
player.h - structures etc
sound.c - GP32 specific direct hardware level DMA sound buffer
sound.h - structures etc for the above
asmfuncs.s - optional context switch code for "out of IRQ mixing"
in the same directory as my gpmain.c

this is the gpmain.c:
#include "player.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "gp32.h"

#include "gpdef.h"
#include "gpstdlib.h"
#include "gpgraphic.h"
#include "gpstdio.h"
#include "gpmain.h"

#include "mod.h"


void setCPUSpeed( long mclk, int fac, int div) {
	asm volatile(""
  "mov	r0,%0  	\n"
  "mov	r1,%1  	\n"
  "mov	r2,%2  	\n"
  "stmdb	sp!,{r0,r1,r2,lr}	\n"
  "mov	r0,sp  	\n"
  "swi	#0x0d  	\n"
  "add	sp,sp,#12  \n"
  "ldmia	sp!,{lr}"
  : "r"(mclk),"r"(fac),"r"(div)
  : "r0","r1","r2");

void mmuChange( unsigned char *s, unsigned char *e, int flg ) {
	asm volatile(""
  "mov	r0,%0  	\n"
  "mov	r1,%1  	\n"
  "mov	r2,%2  	\n"
  "stmdb	sp!,{lr}  \n"
  "swi	#0x02  	\n"
  "ldmia	sp!,{lr}"
  : "r"(s),"r"(e),"r"(flg)
  : "r0","r1","r2");

void installIRQ( int num, void (*irq)(void) ) {
	asm volatile(""
  "stmdb	sp!,{lr}  \n"
  "mov	r0,%0  	\n"
  "mov	r1,%1  	\n"
  "swi	#0x09  	\n"
  "ldmia	sp!,{lr}"
  : "r"(num),"r"(irq)
  : "r0","r1");

void removeIRQ( int num ) {
	asm volatile(""
  "stmdb	sp!,{lr}  \n"
  "mov	r0,%0  	\n"
  "swi	#0x0a  	\n"
  "ldmia	sp!,{lr}"
  : "r"(num)
  : "r0");

void ARMDisableInterrupt( void ) {
	asm volatile(""
  "mrs	r0,CPSR  	\n"
  "orr	r0,r0,#192  \n"
  "msr	CPSR_fsxc,r0	\n"
  : "r0");

void ARMEnableInterrupt( void ) {
	asm volatile(""
  "mrs	r0,CPSR  	\n"
  "bic	r0,r0,#128  \n"
  "msr	CPSR_fsxc,r0	\n"
  : "r0");

//void waitLine( int line ) {
//	while ((rLCDCON1 >> 18) != line);

// A simple main program to demonstrate playing a sound.

void *mymalloc( int size ) {
	// This SHOULD! be done with malloc() and then
	// fixing caches properly.. but I was lazy
	// Make sure that the memory this function returns has no
	// caches or writeback enabled. Otherwise you will get unwanted
	// side effects - at least on GP32.
	return (void *)(0x0C7B4000+16*240);

void myfree( void *p ) {
	// Free the allocted memory..

void myinstallirq( int i, void (*f)(void), struct soundBufParams *p ) {

void myremoveirq( int i ) {

void GpMain(void *arg)
	GpLcdSurfaceGet(&gpDraw[0], 0);
	GpLcdSurfaceGet(&gpDraw[1], 1);
	//GpClockSpeedChange (40000000, 0x48013, 1);
	//GpClockSpeedChange (59250000, 0x47022, 1);
	setCPUSpeed (66000000, 0x3a012, 0);
	struct module mod;
	struct soundBufParams sbuf;
	struct FXinfo fx;



when i compile i've the 3 *.o files but i've these message:
arm-elf-gcc -Ic:/devkitARM_r8/include -IC:/devkitARM_r8/include -DLITTLE_ENDIAN -DGP32 -mcpu=arm9tdmi -mtune=arm9tdmi -fexpensive-optimizations -mapcs -O3 -mstructure-size-boundary=8 -mno-thumb-interwork -fno-builtin -fno-common -fno-exceptions -finline-functions -fomit-frame-pointer -fshort-enums -ffast-math -fshort-double  -Ic:/devkitARM_r8/include -IC:/devkitARM_r8/include -DLITTLE_ENDIAN -DGP32 -mcpu=arm9tdmi -mtune=arm9tdmi -fexpensive-optimizations -mapcs -O3 -mstructure-size-boundary=8 -mno-thumb-interwork -fno-builtin -fno-common -fno-exceptions -finline-functions -fomit-frame-pointer -fshort-enums -ffast-math -fshort-double  -c -o gpmain.o gpmain.c
arm-elf-gcc -Ic:/devkitARM_r8/include -IC:/devkitARM_r8/include -DLITTLE_ENDIAN -DGP32 -mcpu=arm9tdmi -mtune=arm9tdmi -fexpensive-optimizations -mapcs -O3 -mstructure-size-boundary=8 -mno-thumb-interwork -fno-builtin -fno-common -fno-exceptions -finline-functions -fomit-frame-pointer -fshort-enums -ffast-math -fshort-double  -Ic:/devkitARM_r8/include -IC:/devkitARM_r8/include -DLITTLE_ENDIAN -DGP32 -mcpu=arm9tdmi -mtune=arm9tdmi -fexpensive-optimizations -mapcs -O3 -mstructure-size-boundary=8 -mno-thumb-interwork -fno-builtin -fno-common -fno-exceptions -finline-functions -fomit-frame-pointer -fshort-enums -ffast-math -fshort-double  -c -o gpstart.o gpstart.c
arm-elf-as   -o asmfuncs.o asmfuncs.s
arm-elf-gcc gpmain.o gpstart.o asmfuncs.o   -LC:/devkitARM_r8/arm-elf/lib -specs=gp32_gpsdk.specs -lgpfont -lgpstdlib -lgpos -lgpgraphic -lgpstdio -lgpsound -lgpmem  -o spivmod.elf
C:/devkitARM_r8/arm-elf/lib\libgpstdlib.a(asm_gpstdlib.o)(.text+0x14): In function `ARMDisableInterrupt':
: multiple definition of `ARMDisableInterrupt'
gpmain.o(.text+0x98): first defined here
C:/devkitARM_r8/arm-elf/lib\libgpstdlib.a(asm_gpstdlib.o)(.text+0x2c): In function `ARMEnableInterrupt':
: multiple definition of `ARMEnableInterrupt'
gpmain.o(.text+0xa8): first defined here
gpmain.o(.text+0x1c0): In function `GpMain':
: undefined reference to `initSoundBuffer'
gpmain.o(.text+0x1d0): In function `GpMain':
: undefined reference to `mt_init'
gpmain.o(.text+0x1dc): In function `GpMain':
: undefined reference to `mt_masterVolume'
asmfuncs.o(.text+0x88): In function `mt_musicFastSwitch':
: undefined reference to `mt_music'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [spivmod.elf] Error 1
>Exit code: 2

sorry for this flood :)
JyCet posted on Apr 11 2005 at 09:40 PM said:
Well thank to Mr Spiv on IRC to help me :)
Now it work !!!

Here my example (source,lib,makefile,fxe,gxb are included)

See you

Jycet also pointed out that at least effect 6xx bugs.. gonna fix it :blink:
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