Minna No Golf On Psp So F#@%^&g Hard


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2003
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Ok I've unlocked 6 out of the 8 characters, and 4 of the 6 courses, The 3rd course was hard but I managed to get through, but the 4th "desert" one is so fricking hard I feel like tearing out my hair. Anyone else with the game find it hard? I wanted to unlock the movies and secrets in the options but I've had enough. And I'm not going to use the perfect golf club because thats no fun. This game is crazily hard, I thought I was pretty good at it. I searched google for the finished save file, nothing....I guess I'll just sell it.
Go onto #playstationportable on efnet and msg simmy, ask him for the save.

Or give it to me ;), I'll swap you the remote.
I don't use IRC :( I would trade for the remote but the game is worth more :P. $50US to the remotes $30US retail prices