Mini Menu Skin


I am a banana!
Jan 31, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Hi folks,

The default Mini Menu skin is irritating me so I have started to play with some mockups / backgrounds and such. 

Backgrounds I have played with. Just random gradients :p  - Feel free to use these if you want!





Here's my mockup of a "new" mini menu design - Its stlll missing stuff like Tabs / Preview Picture (although the Pane is there) and proper text spacing (thanks to THB who pointed that out on IRC).


I decided that the Clock / Select Menu thingy / Whatever that thing on the left is should be on the top and am ridding of scroll bars (Some of you might hate this idea but it does stop scrolling once you reach the bottom) :pThe top band will change a bit as its too "Flashy" if you get my drift so its not final.

All ideas welcome. I want to get something fresh as a default skin :)
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excellent work on these wally i'd like to try some alternate skins myself my problem is i have too many ideas and not enough time, keep up the good work wally i'll be interested to see if you come up with anything else

@EssoAir you can find some finished skins ready for download on the old repo if you want to try something different
Cool! I might give that a shot. Right now I'm trying to get SuperZaxxon's UI to display on my phone. I have the image working, but neither Framebuffer nor VNC will display the UI. Once I get that working I'll absolutely try out MiniMenu skins :)
I am not a big fan of those gradients. Imo, you have to be careful when using gradients in general, they have to be subtle (go from one colour to a just slightly darker/brighter version of said colour, usually not to full white or black, example) or they will look cheap and out of place. (for example the last background looks better than the second one, imo)

Also stick to a colour scheme, use few base colours and shades of those for gradients, outlines, shadows, etc. (for that matter I think the first background is unsuitable, since it's too colourful and noisy, it will make stuff hard to read/spot and in the mockup the black/white gradient does not pair well with the otherwise dark-blue colour-scheme).

One of these tools might be helpful:
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I am not a big fan of those gradients. Imo, you have to be careful when using gradients in general, they have to be subtle (go from one colour to a just slightly darker/brighter version of said colour, usually not to full white or black, example) or they will look cheap and out of place. (for example the last background looks better than the second one, imo)

Also stick to a colour scheme, use few base colours and shades of those for gradients, outlines, shadows, etc. (for that matter I think the first background is unsuitable, since it's too colourful and noisy, it will make stuff hard to read/spot and in the mockup the black/white gradient does not pair well with the otherwise dark-blue colour-scheme).

One of these tools might be helpful:
At last a opinion! Yeah I do agree with the gradients. For some reason they don't really work great with the Pandora Screen anyway (They look a bit blocky for whatever reason. Could be because the screen isn't colorsynced properly too)

The last was just an example mockup of where I can put menus.

No more progress though but maybe tomorrow.
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At last a opinion! Yeah I do agree with the gradients. For some reason they don't really work great with the Pandora Screen anyway (They look a bit blocky for whatever reason. Could be because the screen isn't colorsynced properly too)
It's probably the result of the panel type used in the Pandora. Most TFTs are not exactly good when it comes to displaying gradients (especially grey), so the blocks or lines you are seeing is just a result of the actual colour depth of the panel. (This effect is called "banding")
haven't tried any of those, yet. but i love the first one.

also you applied some additional light reflection on the logo in some of them. love that as well.
haven't tried any of those, yet. but i love the first one. also you applied some additional light reflection on the logo in some of them. love that as well.
I didn't apply any filters to that :p Its probably a bit of the "White" background that every image comes with -_- but it looks cool nethertheless ;)

FWIW: I am using Pixelmator (Mac only Photoshop clone that.. is actually better than photoshop and 99% cheaper!) works the charm.
Spent a little bit of time gettign the design right.. 


I am not convinced about the background logo and may get rid of it..

Still a little bit to change but I want some ideas?
