Mini Arcade Machine made from scratch

I love it!

Looks so well made too with nice paint job

I'm proper jealous of his skills and beast of a machine

Thats a cool coffee table. It lets you have a arcade machine while keeping the wife happy by also being a coffee table. It's important to keep the wife happy otherwise the arcade machine never gets into the house. lol
I keep waiting for a Chinese company to make one of these with guts that will play ROMs and mass produce them. I mean the idea of an arcade machine this size has been around since 1981.

I also see too many x86 power hungry machines made like this. One of the most impressive ones I can remember was made with one of the Genesis-on-chips, the chips you find in the 6-in-one Genesis controllers, that used hardly any power.

Someone needs to take a Beagle Board or a Panda Board and do this, one that would run off of very little power and be very light. I bet they could sell quite a few of them.
I'm working on a new mini-arcade with Pandora internals.
Ahh, finally an ARM cabinet! Do you think you'll sell them pre-made or in kits? I think if you sold the guts some do-it-yourselfers(theirselfers?) would want to build the cabinet and put their own decals on it.

This guy made one with a Dingoo, pretty cool with great instructions B)

That is really cool, I wonder if the company that makes the Dingoo have seen that? That would be a cool way for them to use the hardware they already have in a new way. I thought the screen was a little bit small though, good size cabinet but could have used a better screen for it's size.
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That vid is pretty cool. There are a few videos out there showing you how to create one of these mini arcades (Mame, Jamma or Plug and Play based). But that vid seems to provide a few details some of the others dont.

I am in the early stages of creating my own mini arcade , I have ordered a few parts already. Hopefully it wont turn out looking like the son of Frankenstein. Im going to use my full size video arcade machine as a guide, which reminds me, if you ever buy an arcade machine , dont buy one with a xxxx in 1 jamma board. Basically these boards are a windows pc motherboard and hard disk running mame with a Jamma connector (yes thats right, Mame and Jamma fused together) , they dont last - huge failure rate. In fact I think Jamma may not make them anymore but they are still around to purchase.
In fact I think Jamma may not make them anymore but they are still around to purchase.
The Japanese Amusement Machine Manufacturers Association doesn't manufacture them, though - they're bootlegs, essentially. :P Unless there's some company out there who's misappropriated the JAMMA name?

I don't even know of anywhere that still stocks them, myself - plenty of places that people mention having them all have notices up attesting to the enormous failure rate.
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Yeah the xxxx in 1 are terrible, they are still sold through and ebay of course and a few other places.

JammBoards did have them , but as you say they have stopped selling them due to high failure rate ->

I was going to replace the one I have but I might go for something more solid state and authentic ie with no Hard Drive to crash.
^ Now you've got me wondering whether it's possible to (safely) dock a Pandora into a JAMMA cabinet or not... :P

Just put that thing on a trailer and add a Pandora battery into it and your good to go for 10 hours plus of extreme mobile gaming :D