Might buy the Gpcinema


Nov 4, 2003
Uk,NW England.
Hi i was just wondering i have done alot of succesfull vcds and svcd with good quality but they are no way near dvd quality and that son a 700mb disc, Because you can only have a 128mb smc this mens that the quality is going to be absolute shit is this right?

you can get 700 down to 128 or less and the video quality may not change, some times for me it looks better. dunno why lol
well just remember how big the picture has 2 be + the whole way monitors show up poor image quality + choppiness. where as lcd's kind of blend inbetween images making the image quality look fantastic when maybe it really isn't or maybe it is good its just the way monitors display. Its like when you plan a movie on your pc then on your tv the quality looks through the roof on the tv its great !
10FPS is enough for smooth video (cuz of the LCD blending effect/whatever) and since the GP32's res is less also, just resizing it would cut off ~75% of the filesize I guess...
Basically, you lose a lot of filesize in several areas:

Compression - this is NOT a VCD; VCDs use (I think) mpeg2 (a la DVDs) - which means less data discarded, but subsequently a much bigger file. A DivX or XviD file uses mpeg4; loads for stuff kicked under the carpet. Result: Looks much better, since what IS discarded is completely (well... seems to be completely) unnecessary.

Resolution Change - If an SVCD is 640x480, then if you think about screen area, you're encoding 1/4 of that if you resize it down to 320x240; less if you use 320x176 (which I ALWAYS do to save space). Bear in mind you can go a lot below 320x176 (I've got a Harry Potter encode I did a while back that's on 320x120 or something; I couldn't be bothered to crop it, since I wasn't experienced at the time) but it gets less of an experience to watch as you lose quality.

Framerate change - If a movie has 24fps, its going to be bigger than one with 10. Although you'd be surprised just how close they come out in reality (I had a sitaiton where I had a 20fps movie come out only 7megs larger than a 10fps movie; I assume because it didn't involve too much action, so not too much additional encoding needed if you think about it, but still worth bearing in mind).

And possibly a few more. But that's how you get what appears to be such nice quality in such small space. Bear in mind, if you play most of the movies encoded for GP32 on a PC, they'll look fairly pants though - low resolution, and more juttery than on an LCD. That said, I've an encode of some things (say, Wonderful Days - NOT done by me, I hasten to add) that look fine on a PC too - so you *could* use the techniquest to get lots of movies on a CD. Be careful with that though...
no, the downloaded GPcinema supposedly only works on YOUR GP32, because of the encryption technology.
can you make gpcinema available for download after you buy it?

You would destroy the profits of a tiny company struggling to keep the GP32 afloat, just for the sake of a few pounds/dollars etc???

Dont even suggest it here, and if you encourage it,, you will be banned. Sorry to be harsh, but we've got to be.
blipped, if you need any help just mail me or post, no worries.
also in answer to your question, the Gp can actually disply some movies better than they originaly look on your pc m8!!!

Its sick, I got a shoody anime epsiode from *$(£*"(!£$*& and it looked shite in Divxplayer, so I though mmmmmm enocode, fiddle with settings and to my amazemnet it was at least twice as good than my PC!!
WOW, a £80 movie player/games machin/delvelopment of the century looks better than my £1000 beastly PC lol!


This sucks, there is no other good player than GP Cinema. I didn´t have a credit card, but when I finally got one they couldn´t accept it. And paypal... I mean wtf is it anyway? mail money? I get nothing. Back to reading, me guesses.
Ringlander posted on Dec 23 2003 at 11:03 AM said:
This sucks, there is no other good player than GP Cinema. I didn´t have a credit card, but when I finally got one they couldn´t accept it. And paypal... I mean wtf is it anyway? mail money? I get nothing. Back to reading, me guesses.
PayPal is net industry standard these days. If you ever use Ebay it'll be useful then. It doesn't take long to set up and you can use Visa/Electron/Switch/Solo etc so you might as well try it.
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Exactly, you can get Solo at 10 for the God's sake :)

@Gamer7 - Depends what you mean. If you mean can you re-download it after you have paid for it, then yes.
i use ebay alot and same as PayPal....But i ahev to admit if you want to sign up its not a 1 day thing...it takes up to 30days becasue you have to wait for a special CODE to come in your monthly satement
White_Night posted on Dec 30 2003 at 04:42 PM said:
Another question!!
What GPCINIA do i doi buy GP Cinema or GP Cinema (Mpark)

What is Mpark!!? :angry:
MPark or MoviePark as it is/was known is/was the ancestor of GPcinema.
But not as good.

As for the GPcinema/Mpark verses GPcinema thing.

One is an upgrade (if you previously brought MoviePark,So you get a discount) to GPcinema.
The other is the full price for people who never purchased MoviePark previously.
I think a check is made (some kind of authentication) so the upgrade can not be purchased by mistake.

Hope that helps.

EDIT: Oh, And relax :) , Stress can be a killer :p.

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Paypal signup is only a 30-day thing if you want to spend over $700. For buying something as cheap as gpcinema it's usually less than 24 hours. A paypal account can be up an running within 5 minutes if you don't mind the $700 restriction.