Well, your Test PND displays everything correctly, including the Mouse pointers, no more mess up there.
I noticed that the Browser is still a little bit slow, or at least it feels slow compared to the old 0.3.6 one. I have to disable the Add Block and test this again, maybe this causes some slowness, it#s the only plugin I have enabled. Javascript is activated but the "Netscape Plugins" are disabled by the way.
Midori also seems to use alot of RAM, 100MB easily but I never tested this on the older versions so maybe it is normal. (It's because I tested alot in the last days I never tested before, actualy.

) Even Firefox 6 needs less Memory (80MB compared to the 100MB of Midori, displaying the same site of course)
If the Pandoras Memory is full, Midori crashes without warings and don't recover last session on Browser restart. But I guess this is pretty "normal" on the Pandora, it actualy happens with many programms when they run out of Memory, especialy Web Browsers. ^^