Hehe, seems I've been racing you
Yea, I'll have a further look at the MilkyTracker thing.. I need to get my dev environment set up again and try and remember how to use GDB properly ( too used to clicking breakpoints in an IDE these days.. yes, I know.. I'm a poor excuse for a code hacker! ) but I should be sorted tonight. I imagine it's something simple, to be honest.
NEON should be feasible enough.. I did have a quick look at what it's up to and although it's not going to be an overnight job, it seemed fairly straight forward in what it was doing for someone with enough Maths voodoo behind them ( so not me, or you'll be waiting for a while! ) I'd reckon it'd probably end up working really well on the Pandora after this.. a fully configurable portable softsynth in your pocket? now there's something to shout about

then there's the rest of the MIDI stuff that'll follow!
Either way, I shall leave the MIDI stuff to you, if you like

I had a quick look at Ardour ( just for a giggle ) and it looks like it'll be a beast to try and get on, so perhaps sticking with seq24 and maybe going up to LMMS at a push, would be best. The juggling required for Ardour's dependencies would be fun enough!