MIDI Player?

GP32 Kirby

May 30, 2003
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I'm curious to know if a MIDI Player can be made using the MIDI synthesizer engine embedded in the DOOM and DOOM II ports (if I remember correctly, they played the .WAD's music files, which were .mid format music). It'd be great if a standalone MIDI Player could be made outta this, so I can listen to MIDIs on my GP32 :)

So do ya think this is possible? I certainly hope so ;)
A midi player could certainly be made, but it's not all that simple.

First, the music format in Doom WAD files is MUS, not MID. It's kinda similar, but different enough :D

Second, to make the music I took the Adlib chip emulation from MAME, added a MUS player, and then optimised the hell out of it. Unfortunately that means that to get the Adlib engine separated from the MUS player now would be quite a big job...

The reason I haven't done any more with the engine is that the music quality isn't that great. It's good for Doom because it has that 'authentic' SoundBlaster sound but for actual music it's horrible. Chui did a midi player for SDL based on the Timidity engine and it sounds great- except that it breaks up when playing complicated bits of music.

For getting decent MIDI playback out of a GP32, I'd say you'd be far better off putting your effort into making Chui's player work well. :)