Michael Jackson's Sonic 3


Recovering Sega Addict
Nov 14, 2005
Worcester, MA
Ever wonder why the tracks on Sonic 3 were so friggin badass? Ice Cap Zone? Special Stage music? It turns out they were composed by Michael Jackson.

I don't know if someone has posted this yet, but damn, it needs it's own thread.

Apparently, Michael Jackson was hired by SEGA to compose the music for Sonic 3, and that much is confirmed. He was fired from that job in lieu of his scandals that were becoming apparent during that time. But wether or not the music that he composed remains in the game itself is contested, and this video by Qjimbo explores this:

Michael Jackson's Sonic 3

This is a good reason to use the .WAV capture tool in KEGA Fusion...


Not so sure on this one. This has been rumoured for many years and according to one interview with someone important at sega (his name escapes me) michael jackson was rumoured to compose the music but never did due to it being around his first scandal outbreak.
I think the music is all dissimilar, its not very close at al..

hahah at the comentators voice
he sounds bored.
Well, let me just say that I'm listening to all the tracks in question, and they sound VERY similar, especially Stranger in Moscow and the credits theme. It would explain why there are so many yells and screams and 'come on!'s in the music. They hired him, and he started workin on the music, then they dropped him, almost in post production. It's also curious that in the PC version of the game, all of the tracks in question were changed.

That's enough for me, I guess.

P.S. Did you know that the dude who played Urkle did Sonic's voice for several Sonic TV Shows?
I think the evidence is there. Musically I'm convinced.

The Jam/Carnival night similarity, I did notice... me and my friend used to sing Jam when that noise was player... lol. In spite of that I never really thought any more about it.
Rayek posted on May 4 2006 at 10:52 PM said:
P.S. Did you know that the dude who played Urkle did Sonic's voice for several Sonic TV Shows?

That i did know, the original Sonic cartoon on saturday mornings many many years ago.
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Angel posted on May 5 2006 at 02:43 AM said:
Rayek posted on May 4 2006 at 10:52 PM said:
P.S. Did you know that the dude who played Urkle did Sonic's voice for several Sonic TV Shows?

That i did know, the original Sonic cartoon on saturday mornings many many years ago.

Those series where the bomb those days! Now you have that Sonic X which totally sucks.
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Ive seen this before, its a pretty good comparison. Michael Jackson did collaberate with Sega on a few things in those days, so its almost a certainty that he was involved, or at least provided the inspiration for the tunes.
Michael Jackson, to me, is just the result of countless scandals, questionable celebrity retardedness, and the results of the media feeding on his eccentric personality.

I don't give a flying crap for that matter, if the music is good, who gives a damn if its from mj?
Loubear posted on May 4 2006 at 10:06 PM said:
Michael Jackson, to me, is just the result of countless scandals, questionable celebrity retardedness, and the results of the media feeding on his eccentric personality.

I don't give a flying crap for that matter, if the music is good, who gives a damn if its from mj?
That's your first post ever that hasnt involved "........". Yay!
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Anyone notice the similarities between Ice Cap Zone and Smooth Criminal?

Wrote that before watching the documentary...

Anyone noticed the similarities between Janet Jackson's 'Together Again' and the music from the first level of Sonic the Hedgehog on the Game Gear?

Curiouser and curiouser...
It's also curious that in the PC version of the game, all of the tracks in question were changed.

Having the original Sonic3+Knuckles collection for the PC I can confirm this. Bad luck for MJ tho because I like the PC exclusive tracks a lot better than his original genesis music :P

Everyone who got Sonic3+Knuckles for PC and the SB live should run the music through one of the many free soundfonts floating on the web (PersonalCopy, Fluid etc), it sounds awesome! Or just get the midis from vgmusic archive :)
