Metroid Movie? John Woo? Cool? :)

So sad since I really like a lot of Nintendo games that wouldn't have found themselves that popular on the XBox or PS2 because they "weren't violent enough". Don't get me wrong, I like some violent games but I enjoy the good old Mario Kart's and Zelda's that are really excellent games but are classified as "kiddy".
i personally liked metroid prime
i felt that it was transferred perfectly

and now that gpjohn brought up zelda
the wind waker if one of my favorite if not my favorite games of all time
if you have not played it go and buy it
As this topic proves, there are two extreme sides of nintendos latest games, those that really hate them and those that love them, however, going by all of the press in the magazines, websites, and sales, its obvious that there are more people that hate where nintendo is going with these game than those that love them. However, knowning nintendo, they will still produce the games even at the major loss they get. They stuck out the PSX with their N64 even though sales were extremely low and way under the "estimated", they still managed to survive (using their Gameboy as a life line), and with the GC release, again they manage to make up for the losses with their Gameboy (advance this time), but whats going to happen when sony finishes their PSP? I dont think nintendo will have this life line to make up for lack of sales, so those faithfull fans, who dont number enough to keep nintendo a float, will eventually lose out on nintendo hardware, and nintendo will be forced to pull a sega. Good riddence I say. I will miss the 2d metriods, but I dont think many more of those will be made anyway, and zelda already died for me, and so did mario, so nintendo doesnt have much left for me :(.
actually, i think there are people who love Nintendo and its games, and people that have their heads shuved so far up their arses that they won't play a Nintendo game coz they arent cool enuff, then there are a few people who dislike Nintendo.

There are however people who despise the Playstation, the owners dont even realise it was originally pioneered by Nintendo until Nintendo got a bit gready and Sony understandably took off. But the problem is all of their games are clones of Nintendo otr Sega games, or clones of their own games (ratchet and clank and jak and daxter comes to mind)

This is why I cannot stand to play a playstation, and also due to the unsightly controller, i think the board room meeting went a little something like this:

"Hey, you seen that new N64 thingy"
"Yeah its got a cool stick on it. apparently it improves the playability of games"
"Hey I have an idea, lets slap 2 of em on our controllers"
"Yeah that'll work, but do u think we should redesign the controller"
"Nah, we'll just slap em on the bottom, no-one will notice"

And then 2 or 3 years later:
"Hey what should we do about the controllers for the new PS2?"
"Lets use the PS1 controller"
"Yeah, that could work, but I think we made the joysticks to sensitive and we didn't put them in an ergonomic place, do you think we should design a new controller thats compatible with both the PS1 and the PS2?"
"Nah, we're SONY, if we don't change it we can make it look like we did it on purpose"
Oh I know, what about 4 joypad sockets, it worked on the N64 and it looks like Nintendo and Microsoft are doing it on their new consoles"
"I have a better idea, lets make 2 slots and have a 4 player adapter"
"Like the multitap?"
"Yes, exactly the same, but we'll make it so they cant use a PS1 multitap, mwahahaha"

sorry if i come across vey anti-SONY, mainly because i am
I personally hate all of Nintendo's recent games:

Mario Sunshine; I found this boring compared to SM64 and got bored in a week.
Zelda: Wind Waker; got bored on the stealth bit and played OOT disk more. Even my mum got bored of it and she has completed them all apart from 1 and WW!
Metroid Prime; After playing the demo in the stores (the space ship) I couldnt wait for this but in the end I just found it boring.

All three of these games I bought on release played for a few days, a week at max then they went on the pile. The only good game I have seen for the N was animal crossing and I had to spend 50 quid on that (with freeloader) to import it ><.

So I sold my Cube... for 15 quid, a night out and that night was more fun that I had in the entire two years with my Cube.
I actually enjoy having the dual analog on the bottom, probably because I dont have tiny little kid hands.

And I enjoy MANY nintendo games, just their latest work, is crap. Not just my opinion, thousands of review sites, magazies, etc... all reviewed them and gave very bad reviews. Couple here and there (about %5-%15 of all reviews gave them good reviews but most gave them crap, horrible, worthless piece of shit reviews, and who am I to argue with the pros?)

As for nintendos analog: Hey lets put an analog where the digitial pad should go. Ok but where do we put the digitial pad?......I dunno throw it somewhere in the middle, because we know human hands are shaped like that, and everyone likes holding the controler from the center. And this way, you wont be able to use the analog and the digital pad simlultainously!

you have consistently stated that Nintendo's games (specifically Windwaker, Metroid Prime, and Super Mario Sunshine) have been received and reviewed badly by the world's gaming press. i just thought I would share some reviews from some of the biggest and most important publications.

Metroid Prime= 9.8/10

Famitsu Weekly:-

Windwaker first ever perfect score=10/10,10/10,10/10,10/10=40/40
Metroid Prime= 8/10 overrall
mario sunshine = 9,9,9,10

Edge Magazine (serious Uk gaming magaine):-

Metroid Prime was awarded Edge magazine's game of the year.

Metroid Prime= 94%
Windwaker= 95%
Super Mario Sunshine=96%

CVG magazine (UK's largest selling multi-format magazine):-

Metroid Prime= 9/10
Mario Sunshine=10/10


Metroid Prime =9.7
Sunshine= 8

Now, these are some of the most mainstream reviewers around. They are not Nintendo biased, and are widely read and respected. So what if Windwaker got a few bad reviews who plainly showed immaturity and ignorance by stating the graphics were for kids.

If you dont like the games, say so. But dont claim they have only received 5-15% good reviews, because that is clearly not true.
Wow you found 5 or 6 good reviews out of 10,000 reviews, ya! It must be good then!

And even those, most are based on a bad score system, sure the graphics were good for those who like cell shading, sure the audio was as good as ever, the controls were great, all one nice package BUT THE GAME ITSELF BLEW. Most of the reviews I have in the many many gaming magazine subscriptions I have, give it high scores, but if you read the editorial about the score it basically says the reviewer hated the game, it was the worst zelda in history, etc..., all of the magazines I have from arround the release date of zelda are FILLED with user hate letters about zelda. Never before in nintendos history has something like that happened on this large of a scale.

Personally I think Mario Sunshine, Zelda Windwaker, and Metriod Prime are the three worst games in gaming history. And I am a HUGE FAN of all three franchises.

And matmango, what do you think nintendo does? Do you think they invented everything they do? They just copied everyone that came before and improved upon it. Just like Sony did with nintendo.
Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 17 2004 at 05:39 PM said:
Wow you found 5 or 6 good reviews out of 10,000 reviews, ya! It must be good then!
no. I simply went to the biggest/most widely read/most respected game sites and magazines and took the reviews.

The reviews stated arnt from "", they are from publications such as Famitsu and Edge.

These are highly respected pros and stating a certain person , "who am i to argue with the pros?"

Your response is an utter cop-out. If you dont believe me, go to the said sites and read the reviews. Then maybe you'll believe that the gaming press does actually like these games .....

I would easily say that the majority of reviewers gave these three games good, if not excellent, if not amazing reviews.
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Its odd that they are the "biggest magazines and sites" yet I have only heard of a couple of them. And I have MANY magazine subscriptings, damn near all of the gaming mags you can get in the USA. And I have never heard of most of those. Actually the only two I have heard of, are not magazines at all (IGN, GameSpot).

You cannot deny the simple fact that there hasnt been a huge hatred of nintendos games by nintendos fans until Zelda Windwaker came out. Thats pure fact.

There are THOUSANDS of articles like this one over the net, in many many game magazines, etc... (but obviously longer then this example :) )
I take it you've heard of Gamespy and Ign, so you cant doubt their size.

Then we have the two Uk magazines I described already.

Then we have Famitsu, which is the largest selling gaming magazine in Japan. It is also probably the most respected gaming magazine in the world.

Then, a couple more websites, one from the UK, and one from Australia I think.

Your linked article is almost a joke. Its just one guys opinion after watching the game on a quicktime preview. i would hardly count that or anything like it as a "professional review". He just looked at the graphics and dismissed the game. Its atitudes like this that ruin the gaming industry, and stop developers making original games, and leaves us with countless crappy EA games.
declaration posted on Apr 17 2004 at 05:58 PM said:
I take it you've heard of Gamespy and Ign, so you cant doubt their size.

Then we have the two Uk magazines I described already.

Then we have Famitsu, which is the largest selling gaming magazine in Japan. It is also probably the most respected gaming magazine in the world.

Then, a couple more websites, one from the UK, and one from Australia I think.
Well maybe those in the UK loved this game, and obviously those in Japan do, they like cartoony crap (no offense, I like a bit of a it myself, but not to that large extent), but nearly all of the magazines in the US gave it pretty bad reviews, I actually canceled my subscription to the two I was getting that gave it "decent" reviews, not good mind you, but decent. And its the subject of hatred on many many websites, forums, maganizes, ezines, etc..., which is a very first for nintendo products.

And even those that loved the zelda, most of them said it was "good" but not as good as the N64 games, which werent that good to begin with.

You dont have to beleive me, nintendo THEMSELVES issued a press release after Windwaker got SO MUCH hate mail that they WILL be making a "back to the roots" zelda game for gamecube using the original graphics they preivewed at E3. Thats how bad the hatred was, they actually had to make a public announcement to stop the hatemail. Do you know of any other game in history that had to do this? (we still have yet to see any proof that they will live up to this announcement, but they did make it.)
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Skop posted on Apr 17 2004 at 09:38 PM said:
Axeman posted on Apr 11 2004 at 08:38 PM said:
I never saw the attraction of the MEtroid games...
Me neither!!

I just found them....boring.

Just wasn't my cup of tea.
The main attraction for metriod games is the "exploration", you are not going through level by level in a bland linear fashion (except in Prime and Fusion), you have alot of exploration you can do, hell in Super Metriod you can even win the game without killing any boss (except for the "ball" one), or getting any major item. Same for Metriod for NES. That is/was the attraction of the metriod games.
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Skop posted on Apr 17 2004 at 10:22 PM said:
So you could avoid the boss fights?

Yeah by sneaky little tricks, and heavy use of bombs and wall jumps etc... (glitchless, meaning you dont use any game glitches to get there) you can finish metriod (original) and super metriod without any boss OR miniboss fights.
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Most games have 'easter eggs' hidden in them, but with Metroid the whole point is finding them. :lol:

The main attraction for me is that you can play the game your way, there isnt any 'right' way to finish it.

The game is just like one huge level, its immersive, like you're actually there.
The very thing they removed from Metriod Prime. There isnt that much exploration, sure you have a little room to explore inbetween destinations, but its pretty linear :(

And I am a big exploration fan, I wont play ANY rpg where there isnt a decent explorable overworld. Metriod and the castlevanias (SOTN and later), were great action games that gave me this, Prime didnt.

I love free roaming, that feeling that you found some secret hidden area that your not supposed to be at yet (and in pre-prime metriod's thats entirely possible) Bombing your way up large heights, wall jumping to secret areas, super running and doing a combination of the bombs and wall jumps, and then those later moments with gravity boots and spin attack, so you can basically gete to any highth, go anywhere...etc...great memories...., all things missing in Prime. (its just something you cannot do in first person) Now if they had made it where you "see" samus the entire time (like when she is in the ball) they could have done so much more and been true to the series. They didnt however.
Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 17 2004 at 06:00 PM said:
Well maybe those in the UK loved this game, and obviously those in Japan do, they like cartoony crap (no offense, I like a bit of a it myself, but not to that large extent), but nearly all of the magazines in the US gave it pretty bad reviews, I actually canceled my subscription to the two I was getting that gave it "decent" reviews, not good mind you, but decent.
If that was reason enough to cancel for you, then you are a lot more closed-minded than I thought you are.

Now the games again... Akuma, it may be that your magazines have given Metroid Prime a bad Review. But practically the whole of Europe and Japan loved the games. I have yet to see a bad MP Review here in Germany, and I still think the game is great. And I don't care what you tell me, sequence breaking is still possible, I've done it, it works. The methods differ from the other Metroids, but it does work.

Back to the Reviews: Why are you so obsessed about them? I'm sure there are bad Reviews, why not. There will always be people that don't like certain things, there will be someone who thinks Food for Orphans is a bad idea, but frankly, why should I care about those people? I played Metroid Prime, I liked it. The Reviews did not tell me to like it, the Reviews helped me decide by describing the game. If I only liked the game because of the good Reviews, I would also like Metal Gear Solid, Splinter Cell, Wind Waker and Crystal Chronicles. Needless to say I don't. If you played the game and did not like it, too bad for you. I don't want to convert you, it's a freaking game and there are many more out there, many more that are really great (Eternal Darkness for instance). Reviews are meant to inform about the game, not help people bash/praise it. I respect your opinion (I suspect you playef the game, so your opinion is valid ;)), but I don't understand why you say things that basically are not true (for example sequence breaking and yes, this is a nice way of saying you are lying, maybe not intentionally, but it is wrong nonetheless).
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