Metroid Movie? John Woo? Cool? :)

I don't think Metroid games were particularly successful here in the UK. I had never played one until Metroid Prime which I liked as it was a bit different from your average first person shooter, where platform elements are usually painful.

I have given the 2d ones a try but I am not that interested, maybe because they have no nostalgia element for me.
yeah... i didn't notice any bad reviews about MP, Z:TWW or SMS... :P

i was a little disappointed with mario when i first got it but second time completing it's a beauty :)

and i remember the outcry when it was revealed that zelda was gonna be cel-shaded, but many people now agree that it turned out really well...

as for metroid prime, i'd never played any of the metroid games before, just didn't appeal to me, but i enjoyed playing it on the GC... it has its faults, but was an enjoyable little first-person adventure platform game...

just my 2p :) (put me into the 'likes' camp:P )
Mosch, I am one of the best metriod players I know, I can do anything and get anywhere in any metriod with bombs, I have the timing down to a science, I rarely ever miss a bomb, its all timed perfectly.

Yet I tried for 3 hours to try and get more that 5 feet off the ground in metriod prime, and never once was able to, judging by the timing required, that the bombs are not "regenerated" until directly after the last bomb is already gone, the time it takes to regenerate you cant get very many chains going on. I have never seen this happen ever in metriod prime, and as I said, I can do it in my sleep in all other metriods. The delay method was put in to intentionally stop you from achiving the long chains.

I dont just go by reviews, I own the game, and think its not even worthy to be used as a cup holder like all of my AOL cds. And any 5 year old can find their way through (as mine does all the time, he got bored after %25 but still finds time to play it and get a bit further each time).

Normally in metriod games you get a new item, then you have the fun of exploring and trying to figureout where you need to use the item, this encompasses most of the game. However prime holds your hand and tells you exactally where to go to use the item, and where to go to get the next item, etc.., which drops the skill level required to play, down to the age of 5.

All in all, I prefer a game that a 5 year old cant play all the way through, without much difficulty, to one that they can. I want to play a game thats actually challenging, and fun, metriod prime was neither. It never got "bad" reviews per se, it just got horribly mediocre reviews (playwise), the audio, visuals, and whatnot were decent.

And I could really care less if it was "liked in japan", any country that enjoys a burger simluation game, doesnt count in reviews to me.

But again, lots of people have different opinions, the only issue with N's latests games is more and more people are getting the opinion that they are crap. I really enjoyed Mario64 but Sunshine I took back the day I rented it.

This arguement is getting nowhere, neither side is going to convince the other side of anything, but if you look, and I have seen a similar consenus in other sites / magazines / etc... alot of the people who like Prime, dont like or never have played the 2d metriods. (with some exceptions) There are two different audiances there, the classic metriod fans, and the fans of the new metriod.
Akuma, I understand every single word you say, and especially "This is not going anywhere" ;) I like the way Metroid was made, you don't. Big deal. It's not like it is something important ;) I also agree heartily with the fact that Nintendo is dividing their fanbase with some new approaches to their games, but you can not improva anything if you do not change things. And if you change things, it may also be for the worse. I'd rather have an old-school Final Fantasy game for the Gamecube, but I can understand how people like Crystal Chronicles. I enjoy Skies of Arcadia a lot more.

Um.... before I go on, wasn't the topic the new movie that's being planned? :lol:
Mosch posted on Apr 19 2004 at 07:05 PM said:
Akuma, I understand every single word you say, and especially "This is not going anywhere" ;) I like the way Metroid was made, you don't. Big deal. It's not like it is something important ;) I also agree heartily with the fact that Nintendo is dividing their fanbase with some new approaches to their games, but you can not improva anything if you do not change things. And if you change things, it may also be for the worse. I'd rather have an old-school Final Fantasy game for the Gamecube, but I can understand how people like Crystal Chronicles. I enjoy Skies of Arcadia a lot more.

Um.... before I go on, wasn't the topic the new movie that's being planned? :lol:
Thats all I was arguing originally, that nintendo is dividing their fanbase with their new games, which, so divided, makes it alot easier for other systems to conquer N. The whole divide and conquer strategy except nintendo seems to be doing the hard part to themselves.

I just happen to be on the half that absolutly hates, with a passion, their new games, I see it as ruining of good francises, and will never purchase another nintendo made game because of them. Imagine how many other people on my side of that rift nintendo created, feel the same way? How many abandonded GC / N64 / Whatever for another system simply because of those new games? And now with the "double screen" handheld....they are going to be dividing their userbase again. Which is not a good thing for nintendo with PSP on the horizon.

About the "movie", to date there hasnt ever been a successfull videogame <> movie yet (with the exception of Tombraider, but thats for an entirely different reason eheh.). Some people will argue that Resident Evil was successfull...and compared to the previous videogame to movies, it was alot more successfull then them...but wasnt much of a money maker (atleast it didnt lose money like the 40 million final fantasy lost...that was a good movie too!).

As much as I would love to see some of my favorite games become movies, games just do NOT make good movies. Oh well, maybe metriod movie will be the one that breaks the mold, although I doubt it, they cant really make it anything like the game, I doubt people want to watch someone running through dungeons looking for new armor peices or new weapons, trying to bomb their way up walls, and reach secret missle locations...I just cant picture it...
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PinkSpider posted on Apr 19 2004 at 07:27 PM said:
Agreed.. Unlikely ill but the next N consoles :/.. Shame as I grew up with Nintendo :/
My thoughts exactally.
The only reason I got a GC was for my son, as it seems most of the games are more directed at his age level. Or, the games that are not his age level in content, are sure his age level in skill (i.e. metriod prime, FF CC, etc...) its sad, seeing as how I used to be the most hardcore N fan arround. I even shunned the PS1 when it came out and waited for the N64, much to my disapointment, once N64 was released, I went and purchased a PS1 the next day. I can see why Squaresoft choose the abandon them. :P
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