Release Meteoroid3D

One other thing (sorry) - could you provide an option for Elite style controls - ie rolling/banking + elevation instead of turning left and right?
You didn't even test the game, but critisize the controls? O_o Believe me, the controls are fine and not so hard to handle. I thought about rolling, but as you can see, the ship doesn't have engines to roll. You will see, that the engines are more or less useful activated while steering. ;)
Sorry - it wasn't meant as a criticism ! Just watching the video made me think of playing Elite which had great controls for moving around in a 3d environment, so it was just a request for an alternative control scheme.  :D

I'm very much looking forwards to trying this out when I get home from work...
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I like cooking and my friends like my food.

pTitseb has a fucking restaurant with dozens of different meals.

Notaz makes bread, fish and wine out of air and water. :P
And most of us just give input on recipes with no knowledge of what we are going on about! Or at best suggest recipe changes suitable for our diet, even if our diet is unique to most other people! :)
New version with crosshair


and with diagonal movement. Interesting, that nobody (not even me!) noticed, that this wasn't working...
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Great game!  Very promising.  It needs a little momentum/inertia tweaking though, imho, the ship moves way too quickly and there should be acceleration curves and everything .. lol .. its open source, I know.  I should be typing code not comments..