Metal Gear Solid 5

MGS3 is really worth revisiting if you gave it a miss - some truly great gaming moments in it, the sniper in the forest bit is so.... 'immersive' it's a game in it's own right. I could take or leave the other installments, but MGS3 is a keeper.
Yeah, they say Snake Eater is the best in the series. :)

kinda off topic here but if you hate the cut sceens did anyone try out the latest final fantasy? i played all of them and enjoyed most of them up to X. So i bought the latest one to see how that stacks up and it litterally has a cut sceen between every 30 seconds to couple of minutes, i couldnt deal with it and gave up after a few hours. think for around 10 mins of gameplay theres an hours worth of cut sceens.
I didn't mind them, because Lightning the smex. :wub:
I'm looking forward to Rising as its supposed to fill in the (HUGE) gap between 2 and 4, but what I'm looking forward to most is a remake or sequel to the snatcher as Kojima said he's not going to do it but if anyone is interested then they are welcome to do it! Let's hope someone grabs the reigns :)
I think I read about a ZOE HD remake, but I can't remember if it was a rumour or someone had said something or what not, either way it'd be good to see Jehuty in HD.

I actually didn't like MGS3 when I first played it because of the weird backtrack in the story and the bone breakages and that, but a year later I had another go and I loved it :) wonder if the HD collection will support the online multiplayer from 3?
I know, I only want it for peace walker on the ps3, there is a retail exclusive that comes with MGS1 and 4 but it turns out 1 is just a free PSN download.