Merry christmas and a happy new year (2012-12-25)

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I run a shop, when we first started we tried round numbers because we didn't like ending things in 9.

We later changed because the general public REALLY can't tell the difference between $40 and $49 even if $50 is too much.  

It's funny how the mind works sometimes. :)

I hope everyone has a happy rest of the Holidays and thanks for all the effort and patience! 
I wouldn't know . The math teacher is too busy yelling us out for asking a question like " is it the 23rd or the 24th ?"
 the general public REALLY can't tell the difference between $40 and $49 even if $50 is too much. 
Its depressing. What do they teach in maths lessons these days? How to use a calculator?
Tell me about it, my mother teaches developmental math at the local 2 year school. Being able to subtract 49 from 50 is too much for many of them, and don't even think about trying to subtract 50 from 49.

I think a lot of it goes back to incompetent pedagogy, for some things like language teaching, there's been tons of advancement in the last few years. Math OTOH, has largely been stable for hundreds of years, at least as far as arithmetic goes. When I was in elementary school, they wouldn't let us have a calculator until we at least knew our times tables and how to do the basic operations by hand.

I personally blame it on whole math and discovery math that seems to think that you don't have to bother teaching the fundamentals because people will just pick up on it on their own.
The £9.99 price thing is not about preying on people's stupidity, hardly anyone will look at a price like that and think it's not basically £10. The subconscious on the other hand, that can't help but look at it and think it "feels cheaper", so what you are really doing is preying on the underlying psychology of most people.
I feel much more compelled to buy something that costs a straight $10.

If it says $9.99 my mind reads the whole number and gets depressed because it takes too long.

And if your product costs x.99 it's probably some junk nobody needs anyway.

Real practically usable products have even prices!
Happy Holidays to you all.

I hope 2013 brings much success.
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Hope OPT, as well as everyone here, has had a good Christmas and wishing all a Happy New 2013.

I'm going to be upgrading my order to 1Ghz... again (finances didn't agree back when these were originally conceived, so I held off).  It's tempting to buy a second Pandora.  Recieved a nice gift for the end of the year - putting it to good use ^_^
All those "9"s look bigger than zeroes to some people, so $279 feels more expensive than $280.

I can make these arguments too.
All those "9"s look bigger than zeroes to some people, so $279 feels more expensive than $280.

I can make these arguments too.
Yes but you don't have a scientific study or most likely the education to do one. Neither do I. But the site sounds reasonable, the statistic seems legit and the have scientific sources. So I think it is quite possible to sell more units with a 9 at the end.

And real world example:

I run a shop, when we first started we tried round numbers because we didn't like ending things in 9.

We later changed because the general public REALLY can't tell the difference between $40 and $49 even if $50 is too much.  

It's funny how the mind works sometimes. :)
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The problem is:

We've got EUR prices, incl. VAT.

Most of them have the magical 9 at the end.

The USD price changes daily according to the conversion rate and the prices without VAT are also different...

So it's impossible to find a good way for everyone :)
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